How Siouxsie Wiles Misled Dr. Ashley Bloomfield Misleading Text Messages from Siouxsie Wiles Revealed

When we broke the story of Siouxsie Wiles breaking level four stay at home rules and presented a video of her beach and swimming escapade, the media finally had to do their jobs. At a daily press conference held on 10 September, Dr Ashley Bloomfield made a statement that he’d been in text contact with Siouxsie Wiles and accepted her explanation of the events, along with making a statement that Dr Nicola Gaston wasn’t really swimming and that it couldn’t really be described as swimming.

He made those statements even though he admitted that he hadn’t yet seen the video.

I have written twice to Dr Bloomfield asking him to look at the video and asking him if he still stands by his claims that Dr Nicola Gaston wasn’t swimming. I am yet to receive even the courtesy of an acknowledgement of my communications.

Dr Gaston “having a paddle” while Siouxsie Wiles looks on

I did however receive a response to my Official Information Act request that sought the text messages that Dr Bloomfield mentioned at the press conference.

Extract from OIA Request

The texts between Siouxsie Wiles and Ashley Bloomfield are now revealed because of an OIA from us. Only one other media outlet bothered to make a similar OIA request and that was by Thomas Coughlan at the NZ Herald. He ran an article about them on Friday night, buried under the weight of news attached to the move of Northland back into Level Three. This is what dishonest Government departments do when they expect push back from what is revealed in the release. They wait until the evening before a weekend, and if it happily coincides with bigger news they release it so it gets buried.

Well, The BFD does not play those games.

Newshub, the news channel that reliably attacks the messenger of any bearer of bad news for the Government or shills the Government’s side of any story also ran a story, not about the demonstrable lies contained in the text messages, but about how the Ministry of Health and Ashley Bloomfield, in particular, had cast shade at me and our website. Such is the increasingly puerile and toxic nature of that sham news organisation.

Newshub Headlines

The news outlet that has studiously ignored the story from when they were first approached, 1News have still not run anything about it. Their lack of integrity shows and their supplication to the Government is obvious.

But, the texts show very clearly that Siouxsie Wiles lied to Dr Bloomfield in order to get his protection. We have identified six less than honest claims in the text messages.

  1. That Nicola Gaston was alone and part of Siouxsie Wiles’s bubble when she actually lived with her own household several suburbs distant from Wiles’s own suburb of Freemans Bay.
  2. That Gaston went for a paddle – in no way can what was clearly swimming be described as “a paddle.”
  3. That the Paddle lasted 2min – This is just lying to minimize the flagrant violation.
  4. That Judges Bay is “super shallow”, despite there being two diving platforms behind Dr. Gaston who was up to her neck in the water.
  5. More than 5km away from her home, across several suburbs, this is another violation.
  6. No masks, no social distancing.

What is also interesting is the date and time of her text messages to Dr Bloomfield. I emailed Siouxsie Wiles on Wednesday 8 September at 3:42 pm. She replied to me the same day at 5:02 pm. The text message she sent to Dr Bloomfield was sent just six minutes later at 5.08 pm. The BFD published our story on Thursday 9 September at 7:30 am. Dr Bloomfield was not asked about this story until the 1:00 pm press conference on the 10th of September. Siouxsie Wiles then posted this piece of disinformation at 3:53 pm on 10 September:

Siouxsie Wiles has told yet another lie as she scrambles to retrieve her shattered reputation. She has claimed to have been surprised, but we now know that she was texting Dr Ashley Bloomfield two days before this story “surprised” her by becoming front-page news on every news outlet across the nation. She can hardly have been surprised because she was whining about the potential exposure of her hypocrisy and lying to Dr Bloomfield about salient details, either by omission or by minimisation or just flat out making up details.

She wasn’t surprised at all. She was seeking cover from Bloomfield, and got it!

When Ashley Bloomfield told everyone at the press conference, beamed live on every major news website that even though he hadn’t seen the video, it was his belief that no rules were broken, the evidence he had to make that statement was a short set of text messages from a dishonest Siouxsie Wiles.

So, far from being a story of how Dr Bloomfield sledged me and The BFD by stating that we didn’t “have much cred” these days, it should have been about how a senior public servant, and one of the faces of the Covid campaign, conspired together in a concerted effort to protect, defuse and deflect from the lies and actions of Siouxsie Wiles.

Bloomfield signals this in his reply to Wiles’ lies, “Keep up the great work and plenty of good people who will stand by you” [sic].

Despite their flagrant violation of level four rules, neither Siouxsie Wiles nor Dr Nicola Gaston was charged. In direct contrast, Brian Tamaki has been charged with a dubious charge while cooperating with police for a level three protest. It seems that Siouxsie Wiles has powerful friends, and Brian Tamaki does not.

What is worse is that the cover-up extended deeply into the Police ranks as well. This is an extract from the weekly Police Intelligence report which specifically names the author and The BFD:

Police intelligence briefing

When you also note how the Ministry of Health tried to clarify the imprudent and pejorative statement by Bloomfield about me and ends up maligning The BFD:

Extract from Ministry of Health OIA response

You can see how these arms of the state work to malign, defame and disparage those who speak truth to their power. Both the Ministry of Health and the NZ Police have sought to cover up the rule-breaking of Dr Gaston and Siouxsie Wiles.

That is the story, not how cool it is that the Ministry of Health and Dr Bloomfield sledged me.

In any case, that reassurance didn’t really help Siouxsie Wiles, firstly because The BFD has a considerably larger reach than Whaleoil ever did and secondly despite his claims to the contrary, the reach of The BFD and indeed the author is considerably larger than he thought since the story was splashed across every major news outlet in the country, including television, radio and print.

In fact, The BFD is one of the least biased and most trusted news outlets in the country.

The TRUTH is;

Trustworthy words and actions

Respect for doing the right thing.

Uncovering the full picture.

Telling it as it is.

Having all the facts.

The Ministry of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield and Siouxsie Wiles are the exact opposite of that, they are dishonest, disingenuous and it is them who are spreading disinformation. From the get-go, Siouxsie Wiles set out to deceive. She was enabled by Dr Bloomfield who in covering for Wiles also set out to deceive, and the NZ Police followed suit.

Their actions remind me of Matilda from Cautionary Tales for Children by Hilaire Belloc, which begins:

Matilda told such Dreadful Lies,
It made one Gasp and Stretch one's Eyes

In stark contrast, every single detail in our stories was true or clarified. We had the facts, we had the proof, we had the story. While the key players in this story set out to deceive the true tragedy of this whole story has been the willingness of the tamed and bought for propaganda wings of this Government, the Media Party, to ignore the truth, facts and evidence, and instead run a shabby ad hominem attack against a journalist and a news organisation that has embarrassed them time and time again, and will continue to show them up for the indolent dolts they’ve become.

Ministry of Health OIA Response – TXt messages by Cam Slater on Scribd

Please share this article so others can discover The BFD.

Kiwi Life

A crisis by design

It is increasingly sad, so many New Zealanders saying they would leave – if they could – because this is not the country they loved and grew up in. To people from all walks of life the damage being done is fundamentally shocking, and even Commonwealth immigrants, who came to what was thought of as a happy, well-integrated country, are intent on leaving.

So what is happening? Basically, presiding over an increasingly aggressive Maori supremacy move (far from supported by most part-Maori) is a small group of extremists with strong academic backing, apparently obsessed by feeling special – because of part of their racial inheritance. However, people as a whole have a healthy disregard for what is viewed as the form of snobbery exhibited by individuals regarding themselves as superior because of part of their ancestry – when in reality every individual is unique, and therefore special – no matter from what ethnic background.

The move to divide this country along racist lines is actively promoted by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who shows no inclination to consult the country in her attack on our democratic traditions.  However, as Hugh Perrett from our Hall of Fame states in a letter to her, ‘Many, many of us are heartily sick and extremely annoyed at your government’s ongoing campaign to bring about a change in our country’s name from New Zealand to Aotearoa’. He points out that government departments and major media have obviously been instructed to continually push this move ‘although we… have spent billions of dollars over many years promoting our name, New Zealand, and giving it identity and meaning internationally’.

Unconscionably, children are also being used. As Perrett points out, TV’s Seven Sharp had children of about 7 to 8 years old asked leading questions about what they thought of the name Aotearoa. Almost all the children were of Maori descent and ‘clearly there had been a significant amount of brainwashing/preconditioning involved… to ensure the required/desired answer was given… shabby stuff indeed’.

Perrett accused Ardern’s government of being hijacked by Maori activists within her caucus, her coalition partners and various associates. However, New Zealanders are increasingly thinking the boot is on the other foot – that the hard-left Ardern is actively using this movement to destabilise the country. The deliberate promotion of divisiveness and separatism is straight out of the communist manifesto and he is quite right in stating her government’s whole agenda in this area is totally without  mandate, ‘insidious, divisive, manipulative and dishonest …increasingly divisive of our society, even deliberately so’. Pointing out that it is our country – as well as the Prime Minister’s  – and that our democracy is being more and more threatened by her government’s agendas – he asks her ‘to back off before irreparable damage is done to our society, country, and way of life’.

Very few believe Ardern will listen, or take any notice at all of the distress felt nationwide at the fragmenting of the country, not only backing, but actively promoting policies where wealthy iwi –today’s corporatised, neo-tribal groups –have more funding and control over our communities and institutions – now, even with power of veto over the majority of New Zealanders to control our health system. The insidious plan for the regulation, ownership, and governance over the Three Waters – our drinking, storm water and waste water – is for these to be removed from local body ownership to inappropriate iwi co-governance. Apparently she has no intention of listening to nationwide protests, although by far the majority of councils and ratepayers oppose this racist and fraught move.

The groundwork for this attack on our once-democracy has been laid over many years, with carefully chosen young Maoris taken abroad in the Eighties to be indoctrinated in communist takeover tactics. Donna Awatere Huata, for example, who with fellow Maori activist Ripeka Evans went to communist Cuba, and who published Maori Sovereignty, came back to sow the policies of disaffection among the gullible young. Fanning a grievance industry is not difficult when people are told they have been cheated by the descendants of conveniently claimed ‘colonial oppressors’. The activism of these determined women and others, groomed in Marxist ideology, very much underpinned the ongoing culture of disaffection. The curious contradiction of claims of both racial superiority, because of some part-Maori ancestry, and of victimology can seemingly only be compensated by perpetual taxpayer funding. Both Huata and Evans have achieved lucrative and powerful  positions, as with so many of today’s activists,  although Huata spent time in prison after being  convicted of fraud, having taken $80,000 from her government-funded charity to pay for a  stomach-stapling operation and for school fees for her children.

We too often forget that those who don’t remember the past have no real understanding of the way history repeats itself. It is ironic that the country which protested so vigorously about the apartheid system in South Africa is now embarked on a deeply divisive apartheid system of its own.

Parents from all ethnic backgrounds are  deeply concerned by what the future holds for their children – including those who might have been expected to go on to university – with these institutions now in the tentacles of far-left academics  and weak management.

Even worse is the corruption of wealthy tribal influence pressuring universities with demands for graduate compliance with manipulative, ‘biculturally sensitive’ agenda, even determining – as with Ngai Tahu tribal elders, with no appropriate qualifications – which postgraduate applications for research funding in various disciplines should be accepted, or denied. In in one case which has come to light, an offer was made to pay half the salary of a possible professorial appointee, provided that the part-Maori woman applicant, who had not even gained her Ph.D., was chosen.

The reality is that money talks. What has been called the gravy train of continual pay-outs of accumulatively billions of dollars to ‘compensate’ part-Maori claimants – long past the time when all claims were to be settled – is now speeding up with no sign of stopping, and fuelled by Ardern’s activist, subversive government.