Looks like 100,000 Kiwibuild houses is a forlorn hope

by Cameron Slater on March 11, 2018 at 8:30am

Twyford is doing his level best to screw up bigly with housing:

The Government’s KiwiBuild programme could add as few as 9200 extra properties to New Zealand’s housing stock over the next four years, an economist says.

Just 9200 properties… when they promised 40,000. That is a massive fail.

KiwiBuild has been touted by the government as a key part of the solution to the country’s housing woes. It aims to deliver 100,000 houses over 10 yearsover and above what the market would have produced otherwise. Half will be in Auckland.

But economist Gareth Kiernan, of Infometrics, said the scheme looked set to disappoint.  

Data released by Treasury showed that, including the existing Crown building programme, 29,000 houses will be completed between now and 2022. The existing programme, including redeveloping and reconfiguring Housing New Zealand’s portfolio, will account for almost half of those homes.

Another 22 per cent of those homes will be off-the-plans purchases.

The Government has argued that these developments would not otherwise have obtained funding, so the houses can be counted in its “over and above” target.

“We accept that government backing for these projects will provide greater certainty and is likely to accelerate the development process,” Kiernan said.

“But the assumption that the projects would not have gone ahead at all, and that finance is the limiting factor on construction activity, is questionable given the strength of demand for housing and the labour capacity constraints currently being experienced.”

Without those two components, the net increase in construction was just over 9000 dwellings, he said.

Typical Labour, trying to claim credit for houses that would have been built anyway. Their policy was nothing more than a slogan and now it is coming apart on them faster than they thought possible.

“And that figure makes no allowance for the crowding out of private sector work by the increase in central government activity – something that we see as being a substantial risk in the near term.”

Kiernan said the government was also understating how much income would be needed to buy its “affordable” KiwiBuild homes.

Other OIA documents released by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) suggest that only 25,000 households renting from private landlords in Auckland would have sufficient income to purchase a KiwiBuild home.

“In other words, the government could potentially get only a 50 per cent take-up of its ‘affordable’ Auckland properties at $500,000 to $600,000 each.”

Another complete fail.

He said, assuming buyers could get a 10 per cent deposit, a single person would need an income of $71,200 to get into a $500,000 house, while a childless couple would need a combined income of $88,400 to get into a $600,000 property.

In other words, the government risks bringing a large number of properties to the market for which there are few buyers who are realistically able to obtain or service the mortgage.”

He said there was also a risk that the government would not be able to deliver its houses at $2000 per sq m, as hoped.

“Any costs not properly allowed for will either make the properties even less affordable for first-home buyers or result in the government making a loss on its developments.

“All in all, Labour’s KiwiBuild policy is looking like much less of a game-changer for the construction sector and housing affordability than the government has made it out to be.

“The policies aims might be admirable, but we think that solving Auckland’s housing crisis will prove to be a lot more complicated than Labour has thought.”

Again, this is what happens when you get idiots who have no commercial experience in charge of things they have little or no understanding of. Issuing press releases in opposition is easy compared with actually delivering on the promises of those press releases.



Government too gutless to front on radio

by Cameron Slater on March 7, 2018 at 8:00am

Jacinda Ardern loves photoshoots in ‘Vogue’, ‘Woman’s Weekly’, or any other soft glossy magazine, but when it comes to hard interviews she is dodging them or trying to manipulate the narrative, only agreeing to appear if they talk about the things she wants to talk about.

Kelvin Davis is acting PM right now and he won’t even front.

Mike Hosking was not happy about that:

It is gutless and pathetic for these two to fail to front.

Prime ministers don’t get to dictate what can and cannot be discussed on radio shows. What we have here is a politburo approach to media where they can only talk about what the government agree to talk about.

Where is the holding to account?

If John Key had done this then the media would have called him a coward. What our media are doing instead is glad-handing a pathetic leader who is afraid to face the hard questions.

Kelvin Davis is just hopeless. He should be sacked. He’s lightweight, ineffectual and out of his depth. To be fair, he’d be out of his depth in a carpark puddle, but right now he is the deputy PM, and he should be answering questions not hiding behind ignorance.



comrade jacinda, sucking up for no reason

Our glorious leader, holding hands with a person convicted of assaulting a disabled person. Someone whos family is renowned for violent offending and convictions.

Here stands comrade Jacinda holding hands with a person whos son openly states he wouldn’t want his daughter bringing home a white guy. And calls NZers “white motherfuckers”

Holding hands.

Apparently this is what working with “Maoridom” looks like.

It does not get much more disgusting than this.

Wave goodbye to NZ as you knew it. Comrade Jacinda is about to sell NZ down the IWI river.

Image may contain: 6 people, text

What? No wisecracks from Labour over double-dipping?

by Cameron Slater on February 21, 2018 at 8:30am

Labour made much of Bill English’s housing issues when he was snapped double-dipping.

Strangely, there isn’t a peep from the usual suspects about Jacinda Ardern’s and Winston Peters’ own double-dipping:

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters were both mistakenly paid over $21,000 for accommodation they didn’t need.  

The pair put out a press release on Tuesday afternoon explaining the overpayment, which resulted from the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) continuing to pay them an accommodation allowance despite each moving into an official residence.

Ardern received $12,205.49 while Peters received $9123. They have both repaid the amount in full and received an apology for the error.

As soon as we were advised of the error, we both immediately took steps to reimburse the money.  That has now happened,” the pair said.

Good. At least they’ve paid it back.

“The error occurred when the DIA’s Ministerial Services continued to pay each of us a Member of Parliament’s Wellington accommodation allowance after they had moved us into official accommodation, at which point payments should have stopped.”

Neither had asked DIA for the payment.

“While mistakes happen, we have accepted the officials’ apology. Appropriate use of taxpayer money is something we both take extremely seriously, and we have set a high bar for ourselves and others.”

The mistake came to light as DIA prepared for their proactive release of ministerial expenses.

Non-Wellington based MPs receive an accommodation allowance in order to cover Wellington housing costs.

Outgoing National leader Bill English claimed $32,000 in accommodation allowance while living in a Karori home owned by a trust in the late 2000s.

He paid it all back when media uncovered the allowance in 2009.

I bet they both get a free pass. This will be a once-over-lightly story from the Media party.

I’d sure know if I had a stray $9k floating through my accounts.

Islamic terrorism in New Zealand 2018

by SB on February 16, 2018 at 10:00am


We always said that it was not a matter of if but when. All the warning signs were there. We had seen it happen in Western country after Western country, including our neighbour Australia, but did our politicians do anything differently? No, they did not. Now New Zealand is paying the price because of weak leaders who put Twitter outrage and their personal popularity before the protection and safety of New Zealand’s citizens.

Kiwi teenager radicalised online planned mass killing in Christchurch ‘for Allah’

The teenager left school at 15, converted to Islam and became radicalised online. He was sentenced in the Christchurch District Court […] over a violent incident he later admitted he planned as a terror attack.

A Kiwi teenager radicalised online planned to ram a car into a group of people in Christchurch and then stab them.


The teenager wrote a goodbye note to his mother, then started a violent incident, but has since told a psychologist when it began he “decided not to hurt anybody because he did not have the means to kill enough people”,

“The reason no-one was hurt was that he did not have access to knives,” Lange said. But there was significant premeditation, and hostility towards non-Muslims.

The teen, who was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, harboured thoughts for five months of killing multiple people. He expected police to kill him once his rampage started.

After his arrest, the youth told police he was angry and had “done it for Allah”. He had left school at age 15, become socially isolated, and converted to Islam.

The court has adopted a rehabilitative approach to the teen’s sentencing, with Judge Stephen O’Driscoll releasing him on intensive supervision with a list of conditions and a warning that if he breaches the conditions or reoffends, he will likely be sent to prison.

Among the conditions – which will apply for two years while the judge monitors his progress – is counselling by a member of the local Muslim community.


The youth’s name is suppressed and the details of the offending cannot be published. He has admitted eight charges. People were frightened by his actions during the incident last year, and damage was done, but no-one was hurt before he was held until the police arrived.

Lange said even though the youth had been treated for months by the youth forensic psychiatric team, he was still seen as a high risk of reoffending, and a risk to family members and members of the public.

He said the primary consideration was the protection of the community, and the teenager’s rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

[…] He urged intensive supervision be imposed because prison would mean limited access to the rehabilitation and socialising programmes he needed. The strict conditions proposed for the intensive supervision were “almost unheard of”, he said.

In prison, he would be radicalised even further. Overseas in other Western countries, many violent and mentally ill criminals are converted to Islam. Some are even forced to join the Muslim gangs inside the prison in order to stay alive.

He urged the suppression orders be made. “His rehabilitation would be affected by his name being published and him becoming in any way a celebrity of sorts, or someone of note,” he said.

Judge O’Driscoll said the teen’s rehabilitation would benefit the community in the long run, but he said it was one of the most difficult sentencings he had ever been involved in. “There is a need to deter you, denounce your conduct, and protect the community.”

“There was a disinterest in what is seen as the moderate point of view. You had thoughts which most people who live in a civilised society would find unacceptable.”

If the judge was familiar with the Koran then he would realise that sending him to a member of the local Muslim community was 100% the wrong thing to do. It was Islamic ideology and the Koran that were used to radicalise him. He needs to be deprogrammed by the kind of person who works with cult members, not handed over to a so-called “moderate” Muslim who may be well meaning but who will not have the skills required.

In America, some Muslim citizens used to counsel terrorists like this boy have been later discovered to be doing completely the opposite. This is not a good precedent that the judge has set. This is not a problem for the Muslim community to solve. It is a problem that requires professionals specialised in deprogramming cult members because that is what Islamic terrorists are.

Pre-sentence reports indicated he had the potential to act more violently than what happened.

He was diagnosed as having post traumatic stress disorder and would need regular intensive community follow-up.

Judge O’Driscoll told the teenager police had contacted a person from the local Muslim community to meet him regularly for counselling.

“Everyone is really wanting to help and assist you, so you don’t engage in acts of violence and harm innocent members of the community.”

He released the youth under intensive supervision for two years, under GPS monitoring and living in supervised accommodation.

The conditions include assessment, counselling and treatment as directed by the probation officer or a psychologist. He will have to live at a particular address and be monitored by the judge with regular reports.

He has interim name suppression, but that would not be made a permanent order until he successfully completed the supervision sentence. Judge O’Driscoll will get regular monitoring reports on his progress, the first in a month’s time.[…]

The hole they are digging keeps getting deeper

by SB on February 15, 2018 at 1:00pm

When you find yourself in a hole stop digging.

Labour’s Māori MPs have declared that Maori charter schools are safe which is a shocking announcement for a number of reasons. One of the reasons why that is a shocking announcement is because all Partnership schools have large Maori And Pasifika student populations and this announcement appears to only protect those schools lucky enough to have a Maori name for their school.


Photo-Facebook South Auckland Middle School

South Auckland Middle School pictured above is one of the partnership schools not considered to be a “Maori” charter school so has not been protected by the Maori Labour MPs.

Labour’s Māori MPs, including associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis, have given their word that Māori charter schools will not be shut down.

That is wonderful news for those charter schools but it is also patch protection and blatant favouritism that does not help Maori students in schools like Vanguard Military School, South Auckland Middle School or Middle School West Auckland. It will not help save this young man’s school…

Photo supplied to Whaleoil

And it will not help these students’ school either.

Vanguard Military School students.
PHOTO-Vanguard Military School facebook page

[…] There’s been a mixed response from the heads of two Māori charter schools in Auckland and Whangārei about their likely future.

Raewyn Tipene, chief executive of He Puna Marama which helps to run Te Kāpehu Whetū in Whangārei, said she was shocked by Education Minister Chris Hipkin’s announcement.

To be so aggressive in his desire to close down what are effectively schools and children and families – you know we’re not prisons, we’re not doing something abhorrent.”

Ms Tipene said she could not understand why the current government wanted them to change.

“Here we are four years on and our results are year on year spectacular – why would you get rid of a process like that?”

She felt more assured about the future of the school after speaking to Te Taitokerau MP Kelvin Davis, Ms Tipene said.

“I think Kelvin’s very very keen to reduce that angst that’s occurring and get us all to the table and work through it.”

She said the authority wanted to turn around low levels of education achievement for Māori.

“They got sick of seeing our young children, our Māori people failing at education and then seeing this failure creeping through and presenting quite disturbingly at primary school level.”

[…] “I don’t want to undermine anything that the other charter schools are choosing to do collectively because they’re all great schools.

“I’m just conscious that I have to do the best for my school.”

Translation: I know it is unfair that we have been singled out for help but I have to do what is best for my students even if we are benefiting from patch protection.

Why are we still confused by the Treaty of Waitangi?

by Suze on February 14, 2018 at 3:30pm

At risk of being deafened by groans, let me say that much confusion still exists in the minds of New Zealanders over the content and relevance of the Treaty of Waitangi (Treaty).  Why are we still confused?

The short answer is that the Treaty has been hijacked and shoe-horned into places where it was not designed to go.  Concepts such as “taonga” (translated treasure, including water rights and airwaves) are recent additions.  The Treaty underpins the establishment of the Waitangi Tribunal that was accused of corruption by Dr John Robinson, “The Corruption of New Zealand Democracy – A Treaty Industry Overview.’ He makes the astonishing revelation that as a Waitangi Tribunal researcher he had to falsify evidence to get paid.” Ngapuhi leader David Rankin also fired a broadside at the Waitangi Tribunal, which he accused of being a bully, inventing history and delivering New Zealand into apartheid.”


We must circumvent the insidious creep into NZ statutes and law of this distorted Treaty.  An ominous statement is found on the Justice Department website:

At the momentTreaty rights can only be enforced in a court of law when a statute or an Act explicitly refers to the Treaty.

Let’s keep it that way, but is this statement signalling a change in the wind?

The Treaty is very simple, the founding document for the establishment of New Zealand as a British colony and protectorate of the Queen of England.  That’s it.  No further use for it except for nefarious purposes.

The purpose of the Treaty was to recognize and uphold existing Maori and European ownership of land and property; address the lawlessness prevalent at the time, and protect Maori from being exploited in the sale of their land.  Put simply, the Treaty was to establish law and order where there was none.

Various drafts in English and the signed Maori versions (also with variations)  are paraphrased below, with main points highlighted. You don’t have to be a Treaty expert or historian to understand the original document.  It was simply written for good reason.  Clarity of its intent is easily achieved if you don’t have an axe to grind, r a financial advantage to be grasped by misconstruing it, as others have.


Queen Victoria recognizes Maori Chiefs and tribes and the people of NZ’s ownership of their land which will be maintained with peace and order because many of her people have already emigrated to NZ and many more are expected to come.

Victoria will establish a NZ Government to put an end to the lawlessness prevalent among both Maori and European.  To this end Victoria appoints William Hobson as her representative and Governor of NZ.

The First Article

Maori give up entire governance of their property to the Queen of England.

The Second Article

The Queen of England gives to the Chiefs, tribes and all the people of NZ possession of their lands, dwellings and property.  

The Chiefs give the Queen and her representative the exclusive right to purchase their land at a price that is mutually agreeable.

The Third Article

The Queen will protect Maori and give them the same rights and privileges as British citizens.

Signed by the Chiefs on 6 February 1840.

The intent of the Treaty seems clear, so why the ongoing dissent?

Immediately after the Treaty took effect, problems arose regarding ownership and the sale of Maori land.  A number of “Native Acts” of Parliament were drafted, debated and referred back to the Crown with many eventually passed into law.   At the time, it was recognised that the Treaty was not designed to address these practical issues on ownership, so why should we expect it to nearly 180 years later?

Of significance was the Native Purposes Appropriation Act of 1862:

The Act created the Native Land Court (renamed the Māori Land Court in 1947) to identify ownership interests in Māori land and to create individual titles in place of customary communal ownership. This change made sales of Māori land easier and saw the beginning of fragmented ownership interests in Māori land. The Act also allowed for up to 5% of Crown-granted Māori land to be taken for public works without compensation.  

[…] The trend towards individual ownership created problems for retaining Māori land. By 1891, Māori had virtually no land in the South Island and less than 40% of the North Island. Much of the land still held by Māori was poor quality and hard to develop.

We must return the Treaty to its rightful place as an important historical document.

Which is not to say we should not address the wrongs inflicted over the years because we should, and have been doing so.

An examination of the current mechanisms in place is well overdue after recognizing wrongs were done to both Maori and European as a result of the distortion of the content and scope of the Treaty.   Many years later we have not reached the place where Hobson and the Maori chiefs who signed the Treaty expected us to be, which was “we are all one”.

Another climate change lie busted: Tuvalu isn’t sinking, it is growing

by Cameron Slater on February 11, 2018 at 11:30am

No problem sonny, all sorted now, the science was wrong.

The climate change lies that the media have all led us to believe are being busted almost daily.

One of the lies is that sea level rises are threatening Tuvalu which will sink beneath the sea… except it isn’t… it is actually growing:

The Pacific nation of Tuvalu — long seen as a prime candidate to disappear as climate change forces up sea levels — is actually growing in size, new research shows.

A University of Auckland study examined changes in the geography of Tuvalu’s nine atolls and 101 reef islands between 1971 and 2014, using aerial photographs and satellite imagery.

It found eight of the atolls and almost three-quarters of the islands grew during the study period,lifting Tuvalu’s total land area by 2.9 percent, even though sea levels in the country rose at twice the global average.


Oh dear. That narrative is now busted.

Co-author Paul Kench said the research, published Friday in the journal Nature Communications, challenged the assumption that low-lying island nations would be swamped as the sea rose.

“We tend to think of Pacific atolls as static landforms that will simply be inundated as sea levels rise, but there is growing evidence these islands are geologically dynamic and are constantly changing,” he said.

The study findings may seem counter-intuitive, given that (the) sea level has been rising in the region over the past half century, but the dominant mode of change over that time on Tuvalu has been expansion, not erosion.

It found factors such as wave patterns and sediment dumped by storms could offset the erosion caused by rising water levels.

The Auckland team says climate change remains one of the major threats to low-lying island nations.

But it argues the study should prompt a rethink on how such countries respond to the problem.

How about a rethink on telling lies?

Rather than accepting their homes are doomed and looking to migrate to countries such as Australia and New Zealand, the researchers say they should start planning for a long-term future.

“On the basis of this research we project a markedly different trajectory for Tuvalu’s islands over the next century than is commonly envisaged,” Kench said.

“While we recognise that habitability rests on a number of factors, loss of land is unlikely to be a factor in forcing depopulation of Tuvalu.

The study’s authors said island nations needed to find creative solutions to adapt to climate change that take into account their homeland’s evolving geography.

Suggestions included moving populations onto larger islands and atolls, which have proved the most stable and likely to grow as seas rise.

“Embracing such new adaptation pathways will present considerable national scale challenges to planning, development goals and land tenure systems,” they said.

“However, as the data on island change shows there is time (decades) to confront these challenges.”

So, we have been told that Tuvalu is sinking away and will be wiped out by climate change, and the opposite is happening – it is growing. Well, colour me surprised.

One day this fraud will be recognised for what it is: the world’s greatest fraud perpetrated by scientists who scream and claim they are experts and everyone else should shut up.

A post later today from WH explains some of the science.



Police union boss caught lying again about firearms, credibility shot to pieces

by Cameron Slater on February 11, 2018 at 9:30am

Chris Cahill is the police union boss, and he’s been busted lying about firearms before, so much so that media have had to retract his claims.

Now he’s been busted again. His credibility is shot to pieces now. Pun intended.

Chris Cahill, President of the Police Union, launched his latest scaremongering campaign in our media last December.

This time Chicken Little was warning about the horrific number of Police officers facing guns in the hands of criminals that year.

Radio Live reported his claims that 1 in 8 of the 12,000 cops in New Zealand had been threatened with a firearm in the last 12 months. That is 1,500 police officers.

“For frontline officers, a staggering 1 in 5 have been threatened with a firearm”. That is: 2,400 incidents if you do the math. Radio Live didn’t. We did.  


Huge, outrageous claims, sounds alarming. So, what is reality?

Well we have finally got the real numbers from the real Police. There were actually only 18 incidents during that period. With only 12 prosecutions resulting. In three cases Police were fired on. Thankfully without injury.

Almost every case would have preventable simply with the threat of a serious penalty.

Many would have involved replica guns or airsoft toys, reported as real firearms. Likely none of these incidents would have been perpetrated by licensed owners. Also likely – many of the offenders would already be serving non-custodial sentences at the time of the latest crimes.

The Union’s snake oil salesman says its 2,400 – It is actually 18.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Why would ANY media still make themselves vulnerable by using the crooked Union’s figures? Their credibility is utterly shot. The Otago Daily Times has had to apologize for using their numbers.Radio NZ has also lost a Broadcasting Standards complaint for the same reason.

Cahill had told the Otago Daily Times (Also other media) that 20,000 firearms are stolen in New Zealand each year.The real figure? 527With police recovering 866– to finished the year in credit. Like the many years before.

Cahill is presenting at a gun control seminar in Wellington next week. He literally could not even get ten words into his introductory biography without more than doubling the annual number of our firearm importations. He claimed “Over 50,000”. It’s really 24,553 to service our 250,000 licensed shooters.

The lies never stop.

The Police Association has refused to comment on this latest embarrassment. Why would they? The New Zealand media simply act as their mouthpiece and never hold the crooked union to account. That needs to change.

Then perhaps our news teams can ask why of the last 100 burglaries where firearms were stolen only 8 offenders ever stood before a judge.

I hope the Minister of Police is looking at this.