Recommended by Max Christoffersen: Aussie battlers deserve full credit for saving TiVo

Last updated 05:00, November 18 2017

Turns out life is not over yet for TiVo in Kiwi households.


Turns out life is not over yet for TiVo in Kiwi households.

OPINION: There’s a fightback going on.

It’s the Aussie battlers up against the odds, up against the changing times and up against a company that doesn’t care.

It’s all about how we view TV.

It’s all about TiVo, the TV and multi-media viewing box that became so popular it became a verb.

Earlier this year TiVo announced it would end its TV service in New Zealand.

October 31 was the day the electronic programme guide (EPG) would stop being updated, effectively crippling the device.

Cancelling the EPG information meant TiVos would become a TV brick almost overnight as the device could no longer record programmes on schedule.

Owners were advised to e-cycle them, despite the fact TiVo hardware was still working perfectly. It would create a small mountain of electronic waste.

TiVo had simply been kneecapped by the closure of an invisible licensee, Hybrid Television Services (owned by Australia’s Seven Media Group and TVNZ) that provided the TiVo and EPG service in Australia and New Zealand.

Hybrid had lost money with TiVo and there was no way back to using the best home viewing TV device ever built. TiVo was dead.

On its website, Hybrid TV said it had been delighted to provide service to New Zealand and Australia but all good things must come to an end.

“We are sad to report that we have reached the end of our TiVo license and the TiVo Service closed in New Zealand and Australia on 31 October 2017.”

Like many other TiVo owners I’ve been counting down to D-Day wondering what to do once all five of my TiVos become doorstops and how to keep them out of landfill.

While I have Lightbox and Netflix, TV viewing still gets a fair chunk of my time with most programmes on late and recorded on my TiVo for playback when the reality shows are on.

So what to do when October 31 rolled around? This is where the Aussie battlers come in. Hardcore programmers and tech-gurus across the ditch decided to get together. Something had to be done to save TiVo.

Could some clever thinking and software re-engineering save TiVos from e-waste landfill here and in Australia? It was worth a go. The fightback was on.

For the past eight months Australian TiVo enthusiasts have been working to provide an alternative source for an EPG that would keep TiVo alive.

The Aussie battlers were going to show TiVo USA the device was loved by people Downunder even if TiVo didn’t love us enough to carry on with the service.

And so we’re now into November. October 31 D-Day has passed and my TiVo is still working.

All the fancy season passes and home network trickery that made TiVo the best home viewing TV box ever built are still functioning. It’s alive!

It’s taken a lot of work and there are still some teething problems to get over, but the commitment of TiVo enthusiasts here and in Australia has kept these great multi-media and Freeview devices in people’s lounges and out of landfill.

Here is what is needed to save your TiVo. Find one of the local supporters who will refit TiVos with a new chip that will redirect it to a working New Zealand programme guide hosted in Australia. Visit (TiVo forum).

Some local enthusiasts are offering the re-chip for free and will also update the software that provides an EPG to keep your TiVo alive. Additional information is also available from the Australian TiVo forum.

If you do choose to e-cycle TiVo devices in Hamilton go here:

There is a moral to the TiVo story which should concern consumers.

The TiVo service was ended not by obsolescence or any technical issues; it was stopped because an invisible company owned the rights to the device.

That company (Hybrid Television Services) did not sell the device to consumers in New Zealand or have any contact with the end user. It did, however, control the life of the device and no one who bought TiVo knew.

TiVo buyers bought on the strength of the TiVo brand, a high-profile company that is still releasing new TV products in the US.

Some local TiVo enthusiasts sought to pursue a case under the Consumer Guarantees Act pointing to a “Product Lifetime Service” message on every TiVo’s system information screen.

Telecom (Spark) had long abandoned TiVo as they were the primary marketer and seller, so it was coming down to a costly and likely unwinnable case against the “last man standing”.

The Aussie battlers were up against it, but they appear to have won.

TiVo is still alive and, with the help of their New Zealand counterparts, they’re still fighting the good fight against needless electronic landfill.

I have seldom ever said this out loud, but it is deserved: Go you good things – Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi! Oi! Oi!

Did Phil Twyford mislead parliament?

by Cameron Slater on November 17, 2017 at 12:30pm

Phil Twyford claimed the other day in parliament that he and Labour had consulted extensively with business over the cancellation of the East-West link.

Turns that may have been a porkie.

NBR reports:

The Auckland Chamber of Commerce’s chief executive rejects government claims that business received extensive consultation before Labour decided to scrap the East-West Link motorway project in Auckland.

Transport Minister Phil Twyford made the comments yesterday in the House, after being quizzed by National’s transport spokeswoman Judith Collins over how much consultation Labour had had with Auckland businesses on the move.

Ms Collins asked how the minister responded to claims by the chamber’s chief executive, Michael Barnett, that “Ms Ardern’s government did not consult with the Auckland business community before announcing a scaling back of the project.”

Mr Twyford insisted the government did consult “extensively”, including with Mr Barnett himself, before deciding to can the project.

But Mr Barnett disagrees with that description.

Misleading the house is a serious offence. Phil Twyford might find himself in a spot of bother.

He says Mr Twyford did meet a group of Auckland businesses during the election campaign, including the Employers and Manufacturers Association and the chamber but only came to them at the point when he had already made his decision.

“If you came to me and asked ‘did he meet with us, canvas opinions and go through the processes with us’ I would say no, that didn’t happen.”

“He had made [his] mind up at the point in which he spoke to us. I would say the consultation with us was honest – he didn’t hide behind the fact that it wasn’t Labour’s intention to be proceeding with it.”

That isn’t consultation.

Stupid Labour, they’ve cancelled something without having a replacement and any replacement will now find tougher scrutiny because of the stupidity of the minister.



Well done Jacinda, your virtue signalling has started the boats coming here!

by Cameron Slater on November 14, 2017 at 10:59am

I think it is safe to assume that the Australians have had enough virtue signalling and are letting rip with some intelligence.

The Courier Mail reports:

PEOPLE smugglers are moving to cash-in on a left-leaning New Zealand as it can be revealed

Operation Sovereign Borders has turned back four boats trying to get across the ditch.

In shock new details, it can be revealed crime syndicates have tried to bypass Australia’s tough immigration measures and attempted to send four boats, carrying 164 asylum seekers, to NZ.

It comes as there are genuine fears within intelligence communities that the direction of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who has kept her predecessor’s offer to resettle 150 refugees but has been highly-critical of Australia’s policy may be used by people smugglers to encourage desperate people to risk their lives at sea.  

The Courier-Mail understands that “chatter” has resumed among people smugglers who have pointed to the stand-off between Australia and NZ.

It is not know when the boats were intercepted or what country they started from but it is believed they told OSB they were headed to NZ. They were turned or towed back to near Indonesian waters.

In a recent exclusive interview with The Courier-Mail, the man in charge of OSB, Air Vice-Marshal Stephen Osborn said people smugglers leapt on changes of governments or ministers to get back into business.

“And it will be spun, whether it is (true) or not, because you’ll have people smugglers who will go, ‘Right, here’s something that has a grain of truth, there’s been a change in minister for example, we can spin this that he’s a really nice guy, he’s left-leaning, like the Greens or whatever, and he’ll invite us’,” he said earlier this year.

While it has never before been revealed that four boats were turned back, last week Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said NZ had been a destination for people smugglers.

“New Zealand is seen as we know from our own intelligence, New Zealand is seen as effectively part of Australia by the people smugglers,’’ Mr Turnbull told ABC Radio.

“Do you know, we have intercepted and turned back boats which were heading to New Zealand?

“I mean the people smugglers, the only reason New Zealand does not have thousands of people arriving in an unauthorised way on their shores is because of our border protection policies.

“New Zealand is a prime beneficiary from our strong border protection policies.”

And Jacinda Ardern continues to insult the Aussies. Perhaps she should start breathing through her nose and shut her trap and start listening for once in her sheltered life.

Well done to Jacinda, her virtue signalling and arrogance towards Australia has empowered the people smugglers.

She needs to tell the NZ public how many deaths she is prepared to accept as a result of her globalist ideals. Jacinda seems to be stuck on doing nice things.  Being a leader isn’t about doing nice things.  It’s about doing the right things.   If she was a parent, she may understand that better.

Kiwi Journalist Slams World Rugby’s Decision To Select South Africa Over Ireland

BY  · 

“You can vote for money. Or you can vote for beer and laughter and fellowship.”

Mark Reason is a bit of an outspoken journalist, that tends to piss a lot of people off most of the time, but he’s absolutely bang on the money this time round if you ask us.

In his latest piece he discusses World Rugby’s decision to recommend the South Africa as host nation for the 2023 Rugby World Cup and he believes the entire process is a farce and he has some very valid points.

He believes smaller nations might as well forget about attempting to host rugby’s showpiece event going forward based on the current evaluation process.

“In fact no smaller nation has the slightest chance of ever again holding a Rugby World Cup if we are going to play be these rules. In future only England, France, South Africa and Australia need apply because the evaluation process appears to be rigged. And here’s how.
Although it carries the smallest weighting of the five categories, ‘organisation and schedule’ was perhaps the most symbolic in terms of Ireland’s doomed bid. World Rugby could in fact re-name this category ‘Catch 22.’
One of the requirements is that the “bid demonstrates the host nation has substantial experience in hosting major events.” In other words Ireland was stuffed from the get go. How are you ever going to get experience of hosting a major event, if the requirement of hosting a major event is to have experience of hosting a major event?”

A valid point. How is Ireland supposed to gain this experience if no one is willing to give them a shot to begin with? He also questions the ‘Venues and Host Cities’ category, with some valid points.

The same thing happened to Ireland around the category ‘Venues and Host Cities’. Despite the fact that their bid is a remarkable symbol of unification between the two old foes of rugby and Gaelic football, the south and the north, Ireland were once more marked down because they would be upgrading some of their venues. This is apparently unacceptably risky.
You have to laugh at such an assessment when everything that South Africa says is taken at face value. The French federation is also furious, pointing out “blatant errors” and “incompetence” to World Rugby Chairman Bill Beaumont over the assessment of their stadia availability, hotels and drug testing programme. Yet South Africa, the politically most unstable of the three countries by far, a nation that was on the brink of sending the last World Cup into chaos, has had everything taken on trust.

When it comes to transport and finance, it’s more of the same.

The judges even slaughtered Ireland in the transport category, but scored South Africa equally with them in the security category. Well, if being car-jacked is your thing, then I guess that makes a lot of sense. But really?
And of course South Africa won the part of the bid called ‘Financial, Commercial and Commitments’. In other words they pledged the most money. Ireland offered $230 million with a government payment guarantee, France offered $288 million underwritten by the government (ooh, score them down) and South Africa offered $307 million with a government guarantee.

Reason has urged New Zealand and the other nations, to ignore World Rugby and hand the tournament to Ireland.

But New Zealand and all the other unions who are due to vote on November 15, you don’t have to go along with all this spreadsheet sewage. You can still vote for the craic. You can still vote for a game that unifies a country. You still can vote for a World Cup that will bring improved stadia to a Celtic tiger that lost its roar long ago. You can still vote for some of the best fans in the world.
The choice is yours. You can vote for money. Or you can vote for beer and laughter and fellowship. It used to be what sport was all about.

Oh, so they weren’t fooled, they’re just stupid and can’t count

by Cameron Slater on November 9, 2017 at 8:00am

A photo of government ministers grovelling to the Opposition, begging not to be shanked

Labour reckons they weren’t hoodwinked by National…

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is describing confusion over [Tuesday’s] election of a new speaker “a minor irritation”.

The 52nd Parliament got off to a rocky start, with the National Party appearing to have hoodwinked Labour on the coalition’s first day.

After MPs were sworn in, a hasty deal was struck between National and Labour on the floor of the House when Labour did not appear to muster a majority to have its MP Trevor Mallard elected as Speaker.

National had questioned whether Labour had the numbers in the house to get Mr Mallard elected.

After a quick consultation between party whips and senior MPs, Labour agreed to increase the number of select committee positions from 96 to 108.

In fact Labour did have the majority it needed, but fell for National’s bluff.

Five government MPs and one National MP were absent from Parliament as MPs were sworn in this morning. This means 55 National MPs and David Seymour for ACT were present; versus 58 for the coalition.

Two of the absent MPs, Foreign Minister Winston Peters and Trade Minister David Parker, are out of the country attending the APEC meeting.

Ms Ardern insisted Labour knew it had the numbers, but did not want to force a vote.

“It tends to be a tradition that you’d prefer to have all parties supporting the speaker and we didn’t want to have to ask the speaker to have to vote for himself.

“Look, that issue could have been issued in [the] Business Committee, it was resolved there [it was] a minor irritation, it’s not going to stop the business of this government.”

Ms Ardern rejected the notion that the government had fallen for National’s bluff.

Oh, so you weren’t hoodwinked? Good to know.

That just means that Labour are stupid and can’t count. Thanks Jacinda for confirming that.

One more question…why did the cat have to die then?

Is Kelvin Davis a man of his word?

by Cameron Slater on November 6, 2017 at 8:00am

I think we can safely assume Kelvin Davis’ resignation will be on Jacinda’s desk early this week….if he is a man of his word:

Labour’s MP for Te Tai Tokerau says he will resign if the two charter schools in the north are closed down.

The Labour Party is opposed to charter schools but would continue to support kura kaupapa and special character schools.

Te Kura Hourua O Whangārei and Te Kāpehu Whetū are both charter schools in Northland.

The MP Kelvin Davis said Māori wanted a measure of autonomy over the education of their children.

“So if they were to close they would no longer exist, that would be a bottom line for me, so the fact is they can exist as special character schools, that’s the bottom line to me.

There are actually 4 Charter Schools in his electorate – two in Whangarei as well as Vanguard and MSWA.

Tracy Martin on Q+A yesterday was unequivocal…those charter schools are going to be closed down. 

Martin says she is going to champion vulnerable children (as Minister of Children) but in the very next minute says she is going to shut them out of Charter Schools that are working for many of those kids. She is so inconsistent that it is actually funny.
Then she tries to make it about the adults (e.g. Nick Hyde at Vanguard) and not about the kids and families.
It just goes to show that you pay plenty to these people and you get nuts.
While we are talking about all this, I wonder if Tracy Martin has resigned her board position at Mahurangi School yet?
-Q+A, RadioNZ

Now here’s the truth

by Cameron Slater on November 6, 2017 at 9:00am

Climate Conversation writes 

For 20 years there’s been no local warming — NIWA’s own figures prove it, contradicting their endless public statements. Why don’t they admit this in public? Why do they tell us a different story? Why do the PM’s Chief Science Advisor, Sir Peter Gluckman, and the previous Commissioner for the Environment, Dr Jan Wright, BOTH talk about warming when it hasn’t been happening? Could they have been deceived by NIWA and the Royal Society? I lump them in together because most of the climate panel on the RS are NIWA scientists. They’ve been in bed together on climate, with the IPCC, for decades.

How did I discover this? A few days ago I picked up the Royal Society report, Human Health Impacts of Climate Change for New Zealand, and the very first sentence (highlighted above) rang alarm bells:

In the Australasian region our climate is changing.

Now, most readers know there has been no significant global warming for about 20 years. They also know that the climate has been changing for millions of years, so on the face of it this is a true statement. However, with climate language twisted completely out of shape by environmental propaganda over the last 30 years, “climate change” now means man-made warming. Beware denials, for they are coming, but when they say ‘changing’ they actually mean ‘warming’.

Christopher Monckton was tracking the lack of warming evident in the RSS dataset, which grew to 18 years and 9 months before the El Nino of 2016 set in with higher temperatures. Since the El Nino ended a few months ago, temperatures have been subsiding, and last month returned to previous levels.

But the RS was talking about Australia and New Zealand, not the globe, so I wondered how local temperatures were tracking. NIWA’s website displays the 7SS and on looking closely it was hard to see a trend one way or the other over about the last 20 years.

So I downloaded the 7SS data and, taking it from 1998 to the present because that’s what the IPCC used in discussing the global “pause” in AR5, tried graphing the last 19 years. Here’s the result:

You can see there’s an insignificant cooling trend of 0.0012°C/year (0.12°C/100 yrs). In other words, no warming and no cooling. It reflects quite accurately the widely acknowledged hiatus in the global mean surface temperature.

New Zealand needs to know this.

He later added

For the national temperature record, the 7SS, NIWA have collected the data, checked it, adjusted it, approved it and published it on their website, so they can scarcely now argue with it. But, on the other hand, it’s totally at odds with what they say in public. Note to MSM: this ought to be front-page news.

And in the meantime, we have our politicians running around like the sky will fall within our lifetime.  Implementing all kinds of taxes and social costs to ‘save’ us all.

It doesn’t help that our own “scientific” watchdogs such as NIWA have become so indoctrinated that they’ll even ignore their own data.  I guess they feel there is safety in numbers as much as there is safety in not upsetting a government with the inconvenient truth:  that this Climate Thing was an embarrassing mistake and we need to back out of that now.

Kate Stewart: Should a white girl dress as Moana?

CULTURE CLASH: The Disney character Moana, a strong-minded role model for children.

As a self-confessed PC despiser, I’ve grown accustomed to the many absurd and outrageous calls for modifications to our behaviour.

With the passing of Halloween, ask yourselves this: How many white girls, oops … not gender neutral enough, how many white children did you see in Moana costumes?

Probably none, because it was deemed not PC, with some telling wannabe white wearers to stick to Snow White. That view could be seen as racist and culturally insensitive but probably won’t rank a mention, even though follow-up tweets came with a threat of physical violence.

According to one parenting activist, dressing children up as Disney’s Moana this Halloween would have been racist.

Writing in her blog Raising Race Conscious Children, parent blogger activist Sachi Feris urged parents not to dress their children up as characters from backgrounds different to their own as it “makes fun of someone else’s culture”.

Although many would see the strong-minded Moana as a perfect role model, Feris said it’s racially insensitive and risks parodying Polynesian culture. How is it that every time skin colour is involved it insidiously gets turned into a racial issue?

Do we have a barrage of fair-skinned people telling darker-skinned folk that they may not wear the costumes of traditionally white characters such as ghosts, Freddy Kruger or Morticia or don the white mask from Scream?

It appears we are wanting to apply limitations to only a certain group of people. If whites were to make such a call about costumes of white characters, they’d be labelled as racist, bigoted and un-PC.

Do the supposed oppressed get to have it all while others can only have what they are permitted to have?

Us and them – is this what being overly PC has reduced us to? An almost separatist type of behaviour. It’s disturbing.

The article highlighting the Moana issue was published with responding tweets. One argued that if we promote separate Halloween costumes based on colour, how much longer before we’re back to drinking at separate water fountains.

And why are examples of black against white racism never highlighted or publicised?

If the “N” word is deemed offensive, is it any worse than my red-haired son being called a Ranga – as in orangutan? I find this term equally as racist but, because he’s not black, when I complained it was fobbed off as just “kids being kids”.

Had my son retaliated and labelled his non-white verbal abuser a rock ape, he might have been suspended from school. Both terms refer to hairy primitive beasts so how can one be deemed as harmless teasing and the other as racist? Talk about double standards.

What sort of message are we sending when it’s okay to make derogatory remarks about a white person’s colour – it doesn’t seem like fair treatment by my understanding of the terms, let alone politically correct.

I thought the whole concept of being PC was to help build bridges, not burn them.

I once thought that being PC was just annoying and pointless, today I firmly believe it’s doing more harm than good.

The decision by Middlemore Hospital not to associate itself with a Ronald McDonald House due to its link with fast food and, thus, childhood obesity emphasises my point.

We now live in a society where you can’t even look at someone for fear of being labelled a pervert or invading their personal space. Fathers are afraid to bath their baby daughters due to possible false allegations of child abuse and kids are going off the rails like never before as we pander to the PC trend of letting them express themselves however they bloody well wish. No labels, no judgement, no restrictions.

Despite our bid to appear forward-thinking, we must stop and ask ourselves if maybe we’ve actually taken a few steps back.

The PC brigade should be educating us that racism is not as simple as white against black. Two races of the same colour can despise one another, just as blacks can be intolerant of whites. No one ethnicity or skin colour has the monopoly on racism. It can affect us all.

Mark my words, if this madness continues it will only be a matter of time before the All Blacks will be looking for a new name.

All Whites were a target as raciest name, and they wanted that changed.


Labour can’t do maths, again, and remain at sea about real numbers

by Cameron Slater on November 4, 2017 at 11:30am

via Yahoo!

Only one week into the job new Police Minister Stuart Nash is already feeling the heat and walking back his own half-baked ideas, National’s Police Spokesperson Chris Bishop says.

“Having just floated the idea of recruiting new police staff from overseas to meet the Labour/NZ First promise of 1800 new officers, Nash has now backtracked completely, ruling out the idea after pressure from the Police Association and his own Cabinet colleague.”

“This is amateur hour stuff. Almost immediately after having been signed-up to the 1800 new Police staff by the Labour/NZ First Agreement, Mr Nash was preparing New Zealanders for failure, saying the target was “aspirational” only, there would in fact be fewer, and not all would be sworn officers.

“Then came the floating of the migrant cop idea, before the immediate slap down from Nanaia Mahuta – and the Police – who rightly pointed out it should be New Zealanders doing the job and they should be properly trained.”

“Like his colleagues, Mr Nash is quite clearly making it up as he goes along. New Zealanders deserves better.”

“I suspect another reason the policy’s been ditched is that it was obviously embarrassing for Labour to admit yet another sector of the economy would require “special visas” – meaning the government allowing people in only where it suits them – in defiance of their own policy of slashing migration.

“Poor Mr Nash has had to take one for the team so Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway can desperately try and make his own target.”

“It hasn’t taken long for divisions to become apparent even with Cabinet Ministers from the same party, let alone within the Coalition.

“Furthermore, Labour need to be upfront about the cost of their commitment to 1800 new police. As Nash even admits, with natural attrition in the sector, 3000 extra police will actually have to be recruited to meet the government’s target. Like with the rest of their costings, the Labour/NZ First/Greens government is fudging the numbers and hoping the problem will just go away. It won’t.”

3,000 new police. Of which 1,600 are just to replace those who are not good at it or are burnt out.

The remaining 1,400 will have a number of people from overseas.  Together with their families, they will need a place to live.  Space to drive.  Hospitals and schools to use.

There is a dark poetic beauty to Labour’s solutions in as much that one policy does not lock in with their others.

And we might as well laugh because you and I will be paying for it.  Well into the next National government.

Apparently it is National’s fault people are killing themselves on the road

by Cameron Slater on November 5, 2017 at 7:30am

via RNZ

One of the more stupid new ministers, Julie Anne Genter has blamed the previous government for the high road toll this year…seriously.

The new Government minister in charge of road safety is appalled at the rising road toll in recent years.

“It’s absolutely tragic and it’s unacceptable that the previous National Government chose not to make safety a top priority in transport funding and policy. This new Government will,” Julie Anne Genter said.


Given her logic, Labour and the Greens and in particular Julie Anne Genter are responsible for the seven road deaths in the past 5 days.

The Police though realise what the real problem is:

Police say drivers need to take greater responsibility for their actions and they’re urged to reflect back on when they first passed their driver’s licence.

“The reason you got your licence was because you weren’t drunk when you did the test. You did wear your seatbelt. You weren’t driving too fast and you weren’t on your cellphone,” Superintendent Greally said.

Only the most truly nasty politician would blame the road toll on a government. According to Julie Anne Genter the individual who was drunk, distracted or speeding isn’t responsible at all for their own death or that of others, it is the evil previous government.

With true stupidity like this she will regret those words. She has stated she will stop the road toll, essentially. She will be held to account for those comments…this year, next year and for the next three years while she is charge.

To the minister, does she stand by all her statements? If not, why not?

Judith Collins will make mince-meat of this muppet.