Did Phil Twyford mislead parliament?

by Cameron Slater on November 17, 2017 at 12:30pm

Phil Twyford claimed the other day in parliament that he and Labour had consulted extensively with business over the cancellation of the East-West link.

Turns that may have been a porkie.

NBR reports:

The Auckland Chamber of Commerce’s chief executive rejects government claims that business received extensive consultation before Labour decided to scrap the East-West Link motorway project in Auckland.

Transport Minister Phil Twyford made the comments yesterday in the House, after being quizzed by National’s transport spokeswoman Judith Collins over how much consultation Labour had had with Auckland businesses on the move.

Ms Collins asked how the minister responded to claims by the chamber’s chief executive, Michael Barnett, that “Ms Ardern’s government did not consult with the Auckland business community before announcing a scaling back of the project.”

Mr Twyford insisted the government did consult “extensively”, including with Mr Barnett himself, before deciding to can the project.

But Mr Barnett disagrees with that description.

Misleading the house is a serious offence. Phil Twyford might find himself in a spot of bother.

He says Mr Twyford did meet a group of Auckland businesses during the election campaign, including the Employers and Manufacturers Association and the chamber but only came to them at the point when he had already made his decision.

“If you came to me and asked ‘did he meet with us, canvas opinions and go through the processes with us’ I would say no, that didn’t happen.”

“He had made [his] mind up at the point in which he spoke to us. I would say the consultation with us was honest – he didn’t hide behind the fact that it wasn’t Labour’s intention to be proceeding with it.”

That isn’t consultation.

Stupid Labour, they’ve cancelled something without having a replacement and any replacement will now find tougher scrutiny because of the stupidity of the minister.