Author Archives: Tom
Double the Refugee Quota Double the Fun
Guest Post:
Did you hear the great news? New Zealand has just agreed to double their refugee quota in 2018 and also radically expand refugee family reunification.
Kiwis Urged to Extend Hand to Refugees as NZ Quota Set to Double
Funny how an announcement as important as this would be buried on Boxing Day and barely reported anywhere. I only saw one article on TVNZ and nothing anywhere else.
Along with a portion of the 600 extra emergency places for refugees fleeing the Syrian crisis New Zealand’s 2016 intake was just 0.02% of the current 4.6 million population.
And Japan’s was only 26 in 2016 and around 3 in 2017. By a strange coincidence, Japan also has had exactly zero bomb attacks, no mysterious outbreaks in rapes, beatings, assaults, stabbings, and no people being run over by trucks making a wrong turn down a busy sidewalk full of children. Going from 26 to 3 is the kind of refugee quota I can get behind. Domo arigato.
We’re really pleased the government has confirmed its policy to double the quota, we’d like to see that policy implemented as quickly as possible,” National Migration Programmes Manager for the Red Cross, Rachel O’Connor told 1 NEWS.
The Red Cross’s business model has become an extremely simple two-step process of late:
- Flood Western countries with third-world refugees and guilt people into donating.
- Wait for imported third-world refugees to cause acts of terror and other violence against the native population and then go out and raise money to help the victims.
Also, don’t forget to donate blood because the Red Cross will need it after the first bomb goes off. Touché, bigots.
Credit: Luke
But don’t worry, our lazy eyed lawyer Golriz Ghahraman is here to make sure she gloats about what a gift she is giving us this Christmas. And I promise you, dear readers, this gift will be giving us nothing but great things for many generations.
Green Party MP and refugee, Golriz Ghahraman says her party will continue to work with the government on their policy to increase the quota to 4000 over six years.
Golriz, first of all, wants to make sure, yet again, that we all know she’s a refugee. She is above reproach as to her motives.
Her background is a gripping tale of her parents reacting to the imminent threat of a war that ended years earlier and took place over 1000km away from where she actually lived. Her parents country shopped until they found some people that were suckers compassionate and got on a plane and graced New Zealand with their presence.
As they were desperate and poor, the Ghahramans could only afford a coach ticket to fly half-way around the world instead of a First Class ticket to a much closer safe country like Jordan or Turkey. Even worse, I bet they couldn’t even rent the headphones to watch the in-flight entertainment for the long arduous air-conditioned and well-fed journey. Golriz’s suffering knows no bounds.
The article continues:
The good news is refugees actually quite quickly do move on after receiving that initial wraparound service, they do integrate; they do end up over-achieving in things like education and health.
Yes, they are all overachievers. That’s why their countries were such remarkable places and they decided to slum it for a while in Western nations to see how the other half live. Sweden reports that 494 of the 163,000 asylum seekers since 2015 are actually employed now. The other 162,506 living on benefits are simply overachievers you see.
As the quota doubles this coming year, the Family Reunification Category will also be increased. ’So that’s something that is one of the wins we got,’ said Ms Ghahraman.”
And really, how else can we describe a massive increase in reunification (aka. chain migration) for refugees other than a win for everyone? Germany, Sweden, France, U.K. and the United States have hit the diversity lottery with their reunification strategies. We should be so lucky.
I wonder though why this win wasn’t discussed more openly? Where is NZ First on this win? Surely, they’d be the ones to celebrate the loudest based on their past statements. I hear Winston loves a good party.
In any event, we are about to win bigly. You see, family reunification means that each refugee could bring many family members with them. Instead of just being 1500 people a year under the new quota, it could actually be 10 times this number over time. Each year. Talk about winning. And since we know already from the U.S. and Europe that many of these family reunification applications are fraudulent, we’ll be winning good and hard.
We were, however, only able to confirm all claimed biological relationships in fewer than 20% of cases (family units).
80% fraud rates on family reunification for refugees. You see, they are overachievers! (Note to self: Invest in DNA testing companies in New Zealand for a potential business spike.)
Ms. Ghahraman continues:
And no one deserves to be in a war, to raise their kids under rubble.
Indeed. And Western nations do not deserve to have to raise their children by having war, poverty and dysfunction brought to them. We do not want our countries turned into police states, our towns locked down during our celebrations, our culture insulted and told to change, and our wives, sisters and daughters preyed upon by hostile foreigners that want us to pay for their existence. But it’s not about us, now is it?
Yet, it can’t be anything but about us. We do not owe these people a living. We do not owe them an existence at our expense. We do not owe them our culture, our spirit, or our lives. It is not the West’s responsibility to adopt the planet, and if we try we will cease to exist as a unique culture that has given the world so much. Like moths in the wardrobe, Golriz Ghahraman and her open border nut-job supporters are eating holes in the cultural fabric of the West.
Our countries are not the radical left’s to give away. Nor are they the property of people like Golriz Ghahraman, Jacinda Ardern, Helen Clark, or Angela Merkel’s. Nobody gave these people New Zealand, nor Australia, nor Europe, nor America. They are not theirs to give.
Our countries were carved from the wilderness into what they are today. They did not just appear out of thin air, and they were not created to be given away to third-world people that hate us and victimise us. We should not allow the work of our ancestors to be squandered for virtue signalling leaders and their globalist schemes.
New Zealand should not be doubling any refugee resettlement quota. We should be following Japan, Hungary, Poland, and now Austria’s example and reclaim our borders for ourselves by lowering or eliminating all refugee resettlement from the third-world. Doing that is what true leadership looks like.
Leadership is not following other countries off the cliff and begging to be the first to arrive at the plunge to our collective deaths. Doubling the quota in the face of what we see around the world is not the mark of doing good, it’s the mark of a suicide cult.
Hey NZTA, you might have deleted the tweet but we still got the screenshot
Our resident hawk eye, Sally, grabbed that screenshot of a tweet from NZTA.
It beggars belief that someone in such a role would even get into the debate, let alone take such an anti-American stance. They are civil servants.
As Sally commented:
Since when did a government traffic agency comment on NZ Foreign Affairs. So wrong in many ways.
Deleting the tweet shows they know it was wrong, too bad we’ve got it.
My longest friend in National’s caucus, Scott Simpson grabbed it too:
For those who missed it before it was deleted…. it looked like the Ministerial holiday roster was in full swing with Assoc Transport Minister @JulieAnneGenter covering Twitter and Foreign Affairs.
This is unacceptable, but obviously the new standards we can expect under this government.
I wonder what Julie Anne Genter is going to say about it.
As for the sentiment about getting nothing from the US…
For those who missed it before it was deleted…. it looked like the Ministerial holiday roster was in full swing with Assoc Transport Minister @JulieAnneGenter covering Twitter and Foreign Affairs.
Ask the pple of Kaikoura abt the aid they got from the US Navy
-WOBH, Research by Sally, Twitter
The PM cares about the needy and deprived but…
Happy school children whose school is not under threat of closure by the Ardern led Labour government because it is a teacher union-backed state school
Our PM has made a big deal about her passion for children in poverddy
if they attend a Partnership school and benefit from free uniforms, free stationery and free breakfasts she is going to close it.
West Auckland Middle School
Our PM says that she cares passionately about a quality education to help priority learners such as Decile 1-3 pupils
even though according to their contracts Partnership schools have to have at least 75% priority learners she is going to close all their schools.
Students from Vanguard Military School.
PHOTO- Vanguard facebook page
Our PM claims to care passionately about minorities and their needs
She is going to close Partnership schools that are doing such a great job catering to Maori and Pasifika students that they have long waiting lists.
Photo-Facebook South Auckland Middle School
Our PM claims to care passionately about beneficiaries and the working class
she is going to close the Partnership schools that are full of their children despitepassionate letters from their parents begging her and Chris Hipkins to keep them openbecause of the wonderful things they have done for their children.
Display wall at South Auckland Middle School.
Partnership Schools were established to serve New Zealand’s priority learners who often come from deprived families. These are students that mainstream education has failed, and Jacinda Ardern and Chris Hipkins are now telling priority learners and deprived families that they are going to close the schools that are leading them to success.
Our PM claims to be intent on addressing social and economic deprivation yet she is determined to force these students and their families back to mainstream education which is the education system that failed them in the first place.
Jacinda Ardern only passionately cares about deprived children in poverddy when they are in a union controlled environment. Her message to Partnership schools this Christmas is a very simple one.
Credit: Luke
A good judge tells a ratbag she can pay it back or spend Christmas in the slammer
A ratbag who stole money from a granny has been given a choice by Judge Tony Adeane, pay back what she stole or spend Christmas in the slammer:
She stole $1800 from a 91-year-old and wanted to pay her back at $2 a week while she spent $60 a week gambling.
But Judge Tony Adeane wasn’t having a bar of that.
Ngaire Ries, also known as Ngaire Rowell, appeared in Napier District Court for sentencing on a charge of theft on Friday.
She had been found guilty after a judge alone trial.
On Friday the Judge sounded singularly non-plussed by submissions made by Ries had to probations officers.
He noted that Ries had initially pleaded guilty, then changed her plea to not guilty, then was convicted.
Reports before him said she had declined to participate in restorative justice sessions with her victim, had refused to consent to an electronically-monitored sentence and had advised the probation service she was not guilty.
“She spends something like $60 a week on gambling out of her limited means and she proposes to repay the amount taken by instalments of $2 a week,” the judge said.
That, unfortunately, was not acceptable, to the court he said.
He gave her two options. One was to complete an automatic payment authority from her benefit for $50 a week to the victim, in which case she would be convicted and ordered to come up for sentence if she reoffends in the next year.
The other option was being remanded in custody until the New Year while further reports were completed.
Ries spent a short time in custody before re-appearing and informing the court, through her lawyer, that she preferred the sound of the former option.
Surprise, surprise, given an ultimatum she chose liberty instead of prison.
“If there is any re-offending or in the event that the reparation is not duly paid Ms Rowell will come back to court and is liable to be imprisoned,” Judge Adeane said.
Ries’s offending was against an elderly woman who had been her friend for a very long time.
In November last year the friend gave Ries her bank card and asked her to deposit a cheque. Over the space of just over two hours Ries used the card to withdraw $1800 from the Westpac ATM at the Maraenui shopping centre in Napier.
What a piece of work. She picked entirely the wrong judge to pitch her $2 a week offer to.
Tony Adeane is a good judge who solves a lot of problems. I do hope that he is being cloned, we need more judges like him.
The idiocy of James Shaw
James Shaw demonstrated yesterday why he is a complete moron, captured by ideology, and lacking in real world experience.
Climate Change Minister James Shaw will advise against new mining permitsthough the government’s position is to consider them on a case by case basis.
The Labour-led government is not ruling out new permits for coal mining, offshore oil drilling and fracking during a transition away from fossil fuels.
Prime Minister said there would be no mining on conservation land, but the government would consider other new permits “case by case”. She said coal mining was not the country’s future but there had to be a transition.
Mr Shaw said as Green Party leader he had always said the country should not be opening up any new fossil fuels.
“As Minister for Climate Change I have to say that in the future, if you’re going to get to a zero carbon economy, there will be a point at which it’s simply incongruous to be issuing those [new mining permits].
“I would advise against it, as Climate Change Minister.”
While fossil fuels were not the country’s future, exploration industries had to have a transition period, he said.
But to meet the government’s promise of a carbon neutral New Zealand by 2050 there would be a point at which no new permits for exploration would be issued.
“You simply cannot get to net zero [carbon emissions by 2050] and do that.”
This fool is going to stop all mining activities and exploration activities. All in a push to have more renewable energy.
Well, there is fat chance of ever building a new dam with the Resource Management Act, which kind of leaves wind power as the alternative, or solar.
The problem James Shaw has with all of this is that electricity generation needs vast quantities of mined minerals and materials to exist.
Wind turbines, on average contain 3.6 tonnes of copper alone, let alone the rare earth metals. All of that requires mining to obtain. Power stations and power transmission facilities use literally 1000’s of miles of copper. The steel for the pylons has to be mined, aluminium has to be mined. We simply cannot exist in this world without mining minerals and this muppet wants to stop it in NZ.
Presumably he is fine with the desecration of Mongolia for all those rare earth metals his gay electric cars use or the power turbines he gets a hard on over. Is he going to insist all those countries follow our lead and stop mining too…what would happen to his carbon free world then?
Well, it would grind to a halt, because these “green” technologies aren’t green at all. Their solutions aren’t solutions.
-Radio NZ
Labour’s child poverty numbers don’t add up, and a little girl waits
So exactly how many more children are lifted out of poverty versus the 50,000 in National’s package? Grant Robertson told the media 38,000 more – officials say 12,000 in the Disclosure statement. 12,000 is ok but it’s not 38,000
Steve Joyce raises a very good point about the instant claims of rescuing children from poverty:
Labour needs to come clean on exactly how many additional children will be lifted out of poverty with their Families Package, National Party Finance Spokesperson Steven Joyce says.
“Grant Robertson proudly announced yesterday in the Budget Policy Statement that 39,000 more children would be lifted out of poverty than through the previous Government’s package,” Mr Joyce says.
“Yet the independent disclosure statement and Regulatory Impact Statement provided by Government Departments clearly states that only 12,000 more children will be lifted out of poverty through this package.
“This is a concerning difference.
“Asked to explain the discrepancy in Parliament today, the Government simply said that different officials have different views.
“And yet the Regulatory Impact Statement is signed off jointly by Inland Revenue, MSD and Treasury. These are the relevant officials for this package. This is their official view.
“The Government owes the public an explanation.
“They trumpeted their numbers loudly yesterday but the numbers in the RIS contradict them.
“Why did they provide their number and why are officials contradicting them?
What is also interesting is changing the method of calculation, moving from 60% of median income to 50%. Labour held the government to account with one measure and now appears to be using a different measure.
But here is another thing the government needs to answer. If, as they claim, they have dramatically improved the lives of children in poverty, with a Grant Robertson speech in parliament and the application of some money coming on stream later on, then why have they left just as many children in poverty?
It’s like there were two kids drowning at the beach and the lifesavers rocked up and saved just one of them. The other is left to drown. That is what Labour has done.
What I’d want to know is who decided and how was it decided to draw an arbitrary line where some kids got left behind by Labour’s new package. Surely, if it was just a matter of applying more money they could have chosen not to borrow $500m to put into the super fund and instead used that to save even more kids.
I think we are seeing the cruel side of Labour, abandoning some children so they can “save” them later. Using children for political gain is low rent, but that is what Labour have done.
No wonder KidsCan is needed, to save those Labour can’t be bothered saving.
Meanwhile, a little girl waits.
If Stuff can use fictional families to explain the mini-Budget then so can Whaleoil
The Seuseus gain $163 a week – how are you doing?
[…] In May, we introduced you to five made-up families, who we used to help explain how the then-National-led Government’s families package would work.
During the election campaign, we said hello to the families again, stacking up how Labour’s proposed package compared with National’s.
Today, they’re back once more, sharing the intimate details of their household finances with us so that we can all better understand the changes announced in Grant Robertson’s (big) mini-Budget. And they’re joined for the first time by a house-hunting young couple in Auckland.
Stuff has created five fictional families and has included politically correct sketches of them in order to explain how the mini-budget affects Kiwi families. I think that they lack imagination and a sense of humour so I have taken it upon myself to create two fictionalfamilies myself.
The Prats: Gain $80.74 a week – $112.60 in winter months
Charlene Prat is a solo-mum of three. She receives approximately $40,040 from the benefit and other forms of assistance such as the occasional fat wad of cash from her current boyfriend who sells tinnies for the Mongrel Mob.
From July 1, her main benefit should increase $5.70 thanks to usual inflation adjustments which will not be enough to buy even one packet of fags so she will now be reduced to rolling her own or getting her baby daddy to steal some from the local Dairy.
The mini-budget changes will mean that her Working for Families (WFF) Family Tax Credit will go up from $221.60 to $295.50 – roughly $74. Charlene is thrilled about this as she has wanted a lower back tattoo for ages and now she will finally be able to get some good quality inkwork done.
She is a tenant so her accommodation supplement will also be boosted by $100 which is a godsend since her landlord put her rent up by $40 last week in order to help cover the insulation he had to put into her flat to meet the government’s new regulations. Unfortunately, he has also given Charlene 90 days notice to get out as he is selling the block of flats she lives in. Finally, between May and September, she will be automatically granted a Winter Energy Payment of $31.82 which will be useful as by then she is likely to be living in a caravan park due to the acute rental shortage in her area.
The Mohammeds
Gain $141.38 a week ( *not including the Best Start payments)
The Mohammeds are a double income family with father Abdullah bringing in $49,000 a year working as a Halal slaughterer at the local meat works while wife Aisha looks after the three children assisted by his girlfriend Maria who is his second wife via illegal Islamic marriage. Maria contributes the benefit she gets as a solo Mum on the DPB to the family income. For legal purposes, Maria is a flatmate/boarder of the Muhammeds.
Abdullah is particularly excited about Labour’s Best Start payment of $60 a week for each child in the first year as both Aisha and Maria are currently pregnant again. With two babies under a year old, they will get an additional $120 extra a week. Abdullah is going to put some of this money aside to pay for air tickets as he has decided to find a third wife.
If you make lemonade from lemons what do you make from chickpeas and tomatoes?
Caroline Herewini, of the Porirua Māori Women’s Refuge, says tinned meat and anything for children’s lunches is more useful than tomatoes or chickpeas. “What are our people going to do with chickpeas?”
It might be the season for giving, but please, no more tinned tomatoes.
These, along with lentils and beans, are some of the items charities would rather do without, however desperate they are for food donations.
Auckland-based refuge charity The Aunties has issued an outright ban on tinned tomatoes, saying they are useless for the women and children it supports. They don’t have the ingredients to go with the food in the first place.[…]
While I totally understand the charity preferring meat and fresh vegetables that require little skill or extra ingredients to turn into a meal I also think that they are missing an opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade.
It is simply a matter of cultural ignorance. Of course, your average Kiwi has no idea what to do with chickpeas as most wouldn’t even know what they are. If they understood that they can be used just like rice and pasta and potatoes then they would see just how useful and versatile they are.
Perhaps the Porirua Māori Women’s refuge should contact Shakti which is the New Zealand refuge for “Asian, African and Middle Eastern women.” I am confident that they would have plenty of ideas of how to turn chickpeas and tinned tomatoes into a filling and tasty meal.
Tomatoes, mince, spaghetti and cheese is a simple and filling meal.
Add a few dried spices, fry some garlic or onion add tomatoes and chickpeas and you have a filling and tasty meal.
Chickpeas take on whatever flavour you want to add to them. They are great in stews, curries or casseroles. Basically, wherever you would usually use pasta, rice or potatoes you can use chickpeas. They are also great in salads.
Maybe she just wants KFC vouchers, If they can’t cook the basics, then takeaways is the only result.
Caroline Herewini, your statement shows the stupidity you have