Just like in Europe our New Zealand Media are doing their very best to hide the truth from the public. The below article is an example of deceptive reporting. Their headline is careful not to reveal the rapist’s background. They don’t want anyone to link the sexual assaults on two Kiwi teenage girls to refugees or a particular culture/religion and the beliefs that make certain men view Western women as whores.
If the public were aware of the sexual violence and incompatible values and beliefs that many refugees and migrants bring to their host countries they would not support Jacinda Ardern’s efforts to import more of them from Manus Island.
Man raped two teenagers in Hutt Valley within nine months
[…] John, 23, forced himself on her, Justice Susan Thomas said in the High Court at Wellington on Friday.
The 18-year-old victim managed to escape when John let her answer her ringing phone, and she grabbed the phone, kicked him in the head and ran.
She had met John a couple of times and they had been intending to see a movie together on May 26, 2016. The planned movie fell through but they drank in his car and ended up at an Upper Hutt carpark, where he attacked her.
She spoke to police but did not immediately make a formal statement. Police had already contacted John about the first rape when he committed the second attack.
The next victim was a drunk 16-year-old he passed while riding his bicycle in the early hours of February 21, 2017, in suburban Hutt Valley.
He stopped to talk to her and then committed one indecency before raping her, holding his hands over her nose and mouth so she had trouble breathing.
John was sentenced to a total of 11 years and six months’ jail. He has to serve at least six years before being considered for parole.
John sounds like a typical Kiwi name so this sounds like a double rape committed by a probably Pakeha New Zealander but wait, there’s more…
A statement from the second victim was read in court by a victims’ assistant. She described being so traumatised she wanted to kill herself and was medicated and hospitalised immediately after the attack.
She had nightmares and was embarrassed at being prescribed anti-depressants.
For a long time she blamed herself for having been drunk, and felt stupid because she could not defend herself as her brother taught her.
The statement said the court process was an ordeal. She threw up before giving evidence and during one break she ran out and wanted to give up but was pleased she was persuaded to finish it.
It had made her a stronger, wiser person, and she knew she had to look after herself better, the statement said.
Prosecutor Sally Carter said specialist medical reports on John thought he could be a high risk of reoffending because he did not recognise he did anything wrong, but treatment could change that.
How strange. Western men all know that raping a woman is wrong and that violence is wrong. Western culture makes that very clear. What kind of a strange Kiwi man called John is this?
His lawyer, Mike Antunovic, said John wanted to take any treatment that was offered, and said he was sorry.
A jury found John guilty of raping the first young woman, and sexually violating and then raping the second.
The judge said John came to New Zealand as a refugee from Uganda when he was a child. He had no previous convictions and had mostly been working in supermarkets doing night shifts. A psychologist commented on his conservative beliefs that women should not dress provocatively or walk home alone.
It was a real concern that the two rapes happened so close together and police had already spoken to John about the first before he committed the second, the judge said.
So, now we learn that John (whose surname for some strange reason has been withheld by the journalist) was a child refugee who has clearly not assimilated into Western culture. Despite growing up in New Zealand he has still been indoctrinated with the belief that women should not have the freedom to dress how they like or walk home alone. If they do then, in his mind, they are inviting the rape that in both cases he quite happily committed. Two brutal acts that he does not recognise as being morally wrong.
No wonder Stuff is so keen to fudge the facts on this story. How many other stories like this have gone under the radar because the media are hiding the connection between crime, refugees and a particular culture/religion?