Another day and another alleged Rwandan war criminal defended by Golriz Gharhaman

by Cameron Slater on November 29, 2017 at 7:30am

Phil Quin asked on Twitter:

I’d be curious to know whether @golrizghahraman has ever worked to prevent the extradition of a war criminal who lied about his past in order to gain refugee status in New Zealand.


Well, a search of published judgments shows that yes, indeed, Golriz Gharhaman was involved in the defence of an alleged Rwandan war criminal who was seeking to have his deportation order overturned.

A Rwandan living in New Zealand, and suspected of being involved in genocide in the 1990s, is trying to secure confidentiality for witnesses in his defence.

The man, who cannot be identified, denies the allegations, and says his immigration approval should not be cancelled.

So far there has been no attempt to extradite or deport him, but he has been told his status is being reconsidered.

The Court of Appeal in Wellington was told on Thursday that, as part of that reconsideration, he wants New Zealand authorities to see the 35 witness statements he has.

However, nearly 20 of those are from witnesses who gave statements only on condition they not be shown to Rwandan authorities, the man’s lawyer, Grant Illingworth, QC, said.

The man wants an undertaking from New Zealand immigration authorities that it will not disclose the confidential statements.

The court has reserved its decision on how the statements should be treated.

Isn’t it amazing that she only seems to defend those accused of war crimes in Rwanda, and never works for the victims. This time it was in NZ.

There are two judgments regarding this suspected war criminal. The first is the High Court judgment where the ratbag was seeking to get all the information of those witnesses who support him seen and withheld from Rwandan authorities who are seeking to prosecute him. He lost that and then appealed and lost that too.

It appears though that there may well be another suspected war criminal she defended in NZ. The NZ Law Society wrote about Ghahraman on November 7 2017, just a few weeks ago.

She has also been acting for two Rwandans living in New Zealand who are being sought for extradition. The allegations relate to the brutal tribal war in 1994.

“Things are very different in Rwanda now, it’s a very repressive military dictatorship, so genocide accusations especially against political dissidents are very common and that is happening around the world, and that may well be what is happening here.”

So, it appears she is on the side of Hutu criminals, and has not a care or a thought for the victims of their violence. In this case, She has acted, in contrast to her previous claims about protecting human rights and holding the powerful to account, she was trying to prevent this accused war criminal being extradited to face charges levelled in the tribunal. She was actively defending an alleged war criminal, in NZ, to prevent him actually being held to account.

It seems her ethics around human rights are rather elastic. Phil Quin notes the elasticity:

Which NZ lawyer told this load of rubbish — straight from the genocide denier’s hymn sheet — in an attempt to stop a war criminal from being extradited to face his accusers, while comparing 1994 Rwanda favorably to today?


When will the Greens stop defending this woman, who is at best economical with the truth, at worst a lying defender of war criminals.

What the Greens don’t understand is that their circle jerk of virtue signalling tweeters don’t represent reality. Voters don’t think like lawyers, much less like so-called human rights lawyers. They think that these bastards should have been strung up not given a fair trial, and they really hate the lawyers, especially gobby attention seeking lawyers.

I think it is time she went.


-NZ Law Society, Fairfax, research by Sally

Now, we get to the Iran claims from Golly G

by Cameron Slater on November 29, 2017 at 8:00am

During her maiden speech, Golriz Ghahraman said:

This was just the backdrop to a bloody war we fought against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. I remember the bombs, the sirens, running to the basement. Waiting. Mostly I remember the kids, my age, who stopped speaking because of shell shock.

You can well imagine if you were close to constant combat, or under rocket attack constantly that this may well occur. Israeli children often suffer such distress living under constant Arab rocket fire from Gaza.

The Iran- Iraq war was a particularly vicious affair, including the use of poison gas, chemical weapons, artillery and rocket fire, not to mention massed infantry attacks. It lasted eight years and killed several hundred thousand people. It was a terrible conflict. Wikipedia states that there were 100,000+ casualties on both sides of the war.

Fairfax reported that:

Ghahraman was nine when her family fled their home town of Mashhad in the post Iran-Iraq War.  


This is where things become interesting. The Iran-Iraq War was actually a rather confined affair. As you can see from the map below the fighting was confined to the immediate border area, and in particular in the southern border area immediately north of Basra.

So where is Mashhad in relation to this eight-year border war?

Is it near the border with Iraq, where the gassing, chemical weapons, bombing and missiles occurred?

The answer is no. If I used the map above I couldn’t actually show you where the location of Mashhad is because it is near the border of Turkmenistan and it would be under the key block in the top right-hand corner, the furthest possible distance in Iran that you could get to be away from the war zone. It is, in fact, 1,600kms away from the combat zones.

Perhaps she is as confused about this as she is about whether or not she was a defence or a prosecuting lawyer in war crimes tribunals? I mean she was very young at the time, and before she embarked on a journey just two years after the war ended in 1990 in which her whole family managed to get permission to travel from Tehran to Kuala Lumpur to Auckland and supposedly on to Fiji. I imagine it must have cost a considerable amount of her family’s savings to buy such expensive long-range tickets for a little holiday in Fiji at a time when a) airfares were horrendously expensive, and b) the Iranian economy was in tatters after an expensive and debilitating eight-year war.

But I digress.

During a Radio NZ profile, it quotes her as saying she was born in Mashhad. This is interesting because in order for her to claim she was bombed and shelled and witnessed shell-shocked children her family would have had to move almost 1600km CLOSER to the combat zone than where she was born.

Of course, Mashhad may have been bombed at some point. I checked Wikipedia for the City, and it seems there was some bombing of Mashhad…in 1912…at a shrine…where several people and pilgrims were killed. But it was Russia who bombed Mashhad back in 1912, long before her parents were even a twinkle in their parents’ eyes. There was another bombing in 1994, when Golriz Gharhaman was 13 years old. Perhaps it was this bombing that caused her to see shellshocked children and suffer bombs and rockets?

Well, no. Because by 1994 she was in New Zealand as an asylum seeker with her parents, and the bombing took place at a shrine which killed 25 people.

There simply is no record of her birthplace ever being involved in the Iran-Iraq war. It was simply too far away from the border areas.

Source/ Kiwiblog

So, Mashhad has only ever been bombed twice, once in 1912 and again in 1994. She wasn’t born in 1912 and wasn’t in Mashhad in 1994.

I have now reached the point where I cannot believe a word this woman says. Not a single thing she says stacks up.

What makes matters somewhat problematic for her now is that she made her claims in Parliament. There is now prima facie evidence that she misled parliament. Unfortunately, that requires a member to lay a Privileges Committee complain, but National seems rather squeamish in saying anything much at all about the apparent mis-speaking of Golriz Gharhaman. It is a serious matter to mislead parliament, surely some honourable member might like to take some action?

Now to potential weapons systems, even though we know none were ever fired at much less hit Mashhad.

It can’t have been FROG or SCUD missiles, their maximum range is only 800km. They wouldn’t have even reached Tehran and only about halfway to Mashhad. None of Iraq’s ballistic missiles, either liquid or solid fuel had anywhere near the range to be able bomb Mashhad. Artillery has a range at best of 50km.

That only leaves air delivery, or aircraft which could have bombed her…could it have been that even though we know Mashhad was never attacked, ever, during the Iran-Iraq War? They had Mirage F1, Su-20, Mig-21 and Mig-23, Mig-25, Tu-16, Tu-22, and French Super Etendards. Only the Tu-22 has sufficient combat radius to mount an air strike on Mashhad. But they would have had to fly a roundabout route to avoid anti-aircraft countermeasures as they crossed the entire country of Iran to deliver these bombs which never landed so that Golriz Gharhaman could have her recollections of bombs and shells landing causing children to be shell-shocked.

Unless she lived elsewhere, but surely she would have said that?

Or she is a big fat liar. In which case she has misled the House.

You really don’t recover from headlines like this

by Cameron Slater on November 29, 2017 at 9:00am

There comes a time in politics when it is no longer tenable for you to continue.

Golly G has reached that point. When the NZ Herald is the last to join the fray and they bust your chops with a headline like that above, then your political career is over.

Green MP Golriz Ghahraman worked as part of the legal defence team for Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadžićwho was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity.  


He got 40 years in prison and will die there.

​Party co-leader James Shaw is standing by his MP, saying her work on international tribunals as both a defence and prosecution lawyer is all part of a robust justice system.

But her profile page on the Green Party website has now been changed to more accurately reflect the legal defence work she did at the Rwanda Tribunal and The Hague, and the prosecution work she did at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

In a series of tweets ​this week, former Labour staffer Phil Quin criticised Ghahraman’s work at the Rwanda Tribunal, saying she volunteered to defend “the worst killers known to man” and calling her a genocide-denier.

“Any MP who acted as a voluntary intern to defend war criminals, and authors papers that deny the Rwandan genocide, must resign,” said Quin, who lived and worked in Rwanda for several years.

In a comment piece on Newsroom, ​he added: “It’s one thing for a UN defence lawyer to be assigned to defend ratbags. It’s quite another to seek them out in a voluntary capacity.”

Ghahraman worked as an unpaid intern as part of a team that defended Joseph Nzirorera, who died before he could be convicted of genocide, and in a paid position as part of a team representing pop singer Simon Bikindi, who was convicted for incitement to genocide.

Quin published a photo of a smiling Ghahraman with Bikindi on Twitter today.

Shaw said Quin’s attacks were politically motivated.

“I think Phil knows as well as anybody that a functioning justice system requires both a rigorous prosecution and a rigorous defence in order to make sure that the trial actually delivers the result its intended to.”

James Shaw is in full corpse cuddling mode again. Phil Quin has no problems at all with how justice systems work. What he has a problem with is the deliberate obfuscation of Golly G. He also has a problem with the dishonesty…and the fact she seems to only care about defending Hutu scumbags, including two who were hiding here.

James Shaw is about to get another lesson in realpolitik and it is coming hard.

I think, and you may shudder at this, that Martyn Bradbury is right, the Greens are shit at politics.

If this had been Judith Collins there’d be many more column inches devoted to this. The fact the Media party is now reporting it can be attributed to persitent and accurate research done by bloggers and social media commentators. The mainstream media have been found wanting on this.

Now we are also aware of massive holes in her Iranian childhood, time is ticking on her spell in parliament.

Winston Peters promised they would be made public but coalition documents remain a secret

by SB on November 28, 2017 at 8:30am

Credit: Comrade Jacinda FB page

The Government is refusing to release a secret document with directives for new ministers, despite Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters promising it would be made public.

[…] “It’s a bad start for a Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who have promised to be a more transparent and open Government,” Bill English said.

The existence of the 38-page document was first revealed by Peters the day after Labour and New Zealand First signed a more slender eight-page public coalition agreement.

Speaking to media after the allocation of ministerial portfolios, he described it as “a document of precision on various areas of policy commitment and development”.

“These are directives to ministers with accountability and media strategies to ensure that the coalition works […]

“We’ve put a lot of thought into it, in fact day one of our negotiations that was the first subject we raised, how are we going to handle a cohesive coalition arrangement?”

At the time, he said the document was still being finalised, but would cover the appointment process for diplomats.

Peters said then the document would be made public, saying it was “for the province of the Prime Minister to release”.

So there is the money shot. The only person who we can blame for the documents not being released is the Prime Minister. Perhaps Ardern is not keen on the general public learning just how desperate the Labour Party was to gain power.

However, in response to an Official Information Act request from Newsroom seeking the document’s release, Jacinda Ardern’s adviser Heather Simpson claimed “the Prime Minister does not hold any such official information”.

Huh? gif

Simpson’s letter referred to Section 2 of the Act, saying official information covered only information held by “a Minister of the Crown in his official capacity”.

[…] Wellington lawyer Graeme Edgeler said the document appeared to qualify as official information based on Peters’ description of it.

[…] While an agreement that covered the parties’ political or parliamentary roles would be exempt from the OIA, that did not appear to be the case here, Edgeler said.

“If … it is going to cover things that the Government is doing as the Government, not as MPs in the House, then I can’t see how this could be refused on the basis it’s not about ministers.”

English said the document was “clearly official information” and should be released, given the public’s need to understand how the new coalition would be run.

[…] A spokesman for Ardern said the coalition agreement which had been publicly released was “the only official document that guides the agreed work programme of Labour and New Zealand First in Government”.[…]

– Newsroom

This to me has the feel of a woman who hides her receipts from her partner after going shopping and then declares that her bags are chock full of absolute bargains.

Credit: SB Whaleoil

How’s about that transparency we were told Jacinda and the Greens would bring to government?

by Cameron Slater on November 27, 2017 at 5:00pm

How’s about that transparency we were told Jacinda and the Greens would bring to government?

Turns out not so much, according to Stacy Kirk at Fairfax:

The Government is facing a mountain of questions – more than 6000 to be exact.

They’ve been lodged by an army of National MPs with nothing but time on their hands and it should be no surprise to Labour Ministers, who have so far refused to release much detail, if any, about their first actions in office.

In a 100-day programme, where major reform is being pushed through at break-neck speed, that is cause for concern.

Claims of “hypocrisy” levelled by some commentators at National’s record in Government are true, but they’re no defence.We should all be demanding those answers.   

And it might be early, but on the current trend those accusations aren’t far from being squarely levelled back to LabourThey and the Greens made much of their desire to “bring transparency back to Government” on the campaign trail.

And where is it? Another bumper sticker slogan. Virtue signalling the electorate.

Labour is also yet to release what’s known as the “Briefings to Incoming Ministers” – or BIMs.

They are the documents prepared by the experts and officials, delivered to ministers in their first week to give them a crash course on the portfolio they’ve just been handed – in some cases rendering them responsible overnight for the spending of public funds totalling billions.

All of them have been requested under the Official Information Act by reporters across New ZealandAll of them have been denied by the Government on the grounds they’re about to be released publicly anyway. 

The trouble with that is the law actually applies to occasions where the document in question is yet to be printed or the minister hasn’t had a chance to read it first.

These were read by the ministers more than a month ago, and its understood to decision on when to release the BIMs – state sector wide – is to come from the Prime Minister’s Office.

Jacinda can’t make decisions? What’s the hold up, they’ve had them for a month, presumably read them? Why haven’t they been released? Why is Labour breaking the law? Transparency?

“[The section] should not be used to delay the release of information which is intended to be incorporated in other material which, although to be made public at a later date, may still require the making of other policy decisions,” is the expressed order of the Ombudsman.

Looks like transparency promises were rather hollow.

Bill English gave Labour fair warning when he said “we’re not here to make this place run smoothly”. He copped criticism, but he’s rightthey are there to hold the Government to account – nothing more. 

Many are familiar with the verbal jousting of Question Time where this is publicly done. But Opposition MPs have another very important democratic tool available to them in the form of Written Questions. 

They can lodge questions to ministers on matters related to their portfolios, and ministers must respond within six working days. There is no limit as to how many questions can be lodged, they must be concise and targeted.

Undoubtedly, 6000 written questions in a month is a lot.

But is it fair to demand those answers? Absolutely. Is it hypocritical of National to be complaining they’re being blocked? You bet. Does that matter? Not one bit.

Because the answers, or at least the willingness to provide those answers, benefit New Zealand as a democracy. 

Finally a Media party member who knows reality when they see it.

In July 2010 Labour asked 8791 questions in a single month.

More than 7000 of those questions came from MP Trevor Mallard alone.

Now in the Speaker’s chair, it’s his jurisdiction to force answers where they are not fairly being withheld if a complaint is laid.

Labour is getting off to a poor start on transparency. 

What goes around, comes around.

HDPA on Jacinda’s first month: Not good

by Cameron Slater on November 27, 2017 at 7:30am

Heather du Plessis-Allan looks at Jacinda Ardern’s first month on the job.

She starts by recounting the mis-step of pretending that Trump didn’t know who she was. HDPA reckons it wasn’t that big a deal world-wide or diplomatically, except:

For Ardern herself, though, this is a personal mistake she couldn’t afford to make. The risk for her is that this misstep adds to the growing impression that she doesn’t know what she’s doing.

And not just Ardern, but the rest of Labour too.

At any stage in a Government’s life — but especially at the start when we’re first getting to know the characters — there is the risk of a narrative taking hold. All that requires is three or more balls-ups that seem similar enough to look like a pattern.

Once there’s a pattern, anything that looks even a tiny bit similar only reinforces it further.

So far, the pattern is that Labour is out of its depth.

Their talent pool was as shallow as a car-park puddle, so it is to be expected that anything deeper than a bird bath would put them out of their depth.

First, there was the extremely clumsy moment in Parliament when National tricked Labour into striking a deal it didn’t need to strike to get Trevor Mallard elected to the Speaker’s job.

The error was so simple as to be embarrassing: no one in Labour appeared to have counted the MPs in the debating chamber.

Next, Kelvin Davis showed he’s not up to the job of filling in for ArdernWhile the grown-ups were out of the country, it fell to him to be acting PM, but he couldn’t even answer questions in the House without colleagues first whispering the answers to him.

And then there was Ardern’s handling of our offer to take Manus Island refugees.

Some may see Ardern as ballsy for pushing Australia around a bit, others see her as naive for failing to realise how much she was pushing Australia around, and how it was annoying Malcolm Turnbull.

That’s a pattern alright. Spot on Heather.

The risk of a narrative is that, once it takes hold, it’s hard to shake.

George W Bush became the stupid guy, Al Gore became the lying guy, Helen Clark became the matron of the nanny state.

It’s never entirely true, but if enough people think it is, the damage is done and it punishes you forever.

Ardern doesn’t deserve this narrative to take hold. She’s articulate, a fast learner and is actually getting things about 98 per cent right. That’s no easy task.

After that brutal summary it seems HDPA needed to sprinkle just a little bit of unicorn farts and pixie dust around.

Labour leaders before her took months just to learn how to look at TV cameras and talk at the same time. But now the narrative is pencil-sketched waiting for Labour to colour it inIt would do Labour good to avoid the errors it’s making. That will avoid something inane like Ardern’s travel yarn getting blown out of proportion like it has.\

Wait until Manus Island blows up in her face, which it will.

Has Jacinda been caught in a lie over her actions regarding Manus Island?

by Cameron Slater on November 27, 2017 at 8:00am

Jacinda Ardern says it is possible to exist in politics without lying and says she has never told a lie.

Has she now been caught in a lie over Manus Island ratbags?

The Prime Minister has repeated her stance that New Zealand is willing to take 150 refugees from Manus Island, but that it would need to be approved by Australia.

Jacinda Ardern fielded questions at Auckland’s Grey Lynn festival around midday on Saturday, where Labour had a stall among the bouncy castle and go-karts.

The offer for New Zealand to take 150 refugees after Australian approval remained unchanged – despite revelations on Friday that Papua New Guinea police were using physical force to evacuate refugees and asylum-seekers.

When asked if she would consider by-passing Australian authorities and approaching PNG authorities directly, Ardern said no. 

“The advice that we’ve had from a range of different sources is that we’d need to go via Australia.

“Whether or not Australia takes up our offer to take 150 refugees continues to be a matter for Australia.

“We’ve made it very clear that we’re more than happy to assist but that ultimately is a matter for them.”

Interesting. Then why is MSD leaking like a sieve contradicting everything you’ve just said?

I have several sources in MSD. They advise me that; The PM’s office asked the Housing department to ‘make ready’ housing for at least 150 refugees and their families over the next 6 weeks. MSD replied saying that there’s a general shortage of houses for Kiwi homeless. The plan now is to find motels that will house refugees and their families. There is also a request for Punjabi, Bengali, and Farsi translation services.

There is apparently an email trail to the PM’s office. The email was sent from the PM’s office on Monday last week. These emails will be subject to the OIA.

My sources feel that the PM’s office is bypassing the proper internal process whilst the plan entails direct negotiations with PNG.

The basics of this have been leaked on Twitter.

Further another source tells me that last week there was a huge MSD IT planning meeting at Westpac, it’s called a programme increment…essentially, going through the IT requirements of the ministry for the next 3 months or so…in the process of the meeting, they were informed that they needed to implement one of the software systems used by the department responsible for resettlement, because MSD will be helping resettle some refugees…and part of the project initiation documentation displayed was an email from the PM’s office, sent Monday last week, making the request.

The email trail may well prove that our PM can lie just as well as other politicians.

Murial Newman on the so-called “refugees”

by Cameron Slater on November 27, 2017 at 8:30am

Refugees and asylum seekers protesting inside the Manus Island immigration detention centre

Muriel Newman writes in her email newsletter:

Over recent weeks the plight of Manus Island refugees and the Prime Minister’s offer to take 150 of them has been dominating the news. The media’s obsession with the refugee issue is reminiscent of their incessant promotion of Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party in the run up to the election.

It has only been since the Australian media released details from the Papua New Guinea authorities outlining how the Manus Island detainees regularly travel into town to allegedly have sex with underage girls – some as young as 10 – and buy and sell drugs, that some balance has finally entered the news coverage.

Given the interest of the New Zealand media in this issue, quite why they didn’t find and publish this information – which was reported to the Australian Government in mid-October – is not clear. The 161 offences the detainees are alleged to have committed include sexual assault, assault and aggressive behaviour.  

If our media had been doing their job, they would have provided New Zealanders with balanced reporting from the outset. That would have indicated there are serious problems in taking these men.


If our media were doing their jobs they’d be reporting on the MSD leaks that Jacinda Ardern has gone around Australia and is negotiating directly with Papua New Guinea. Not only that she has demanded houses and other accommodation be made available, along with fast tracking welfare and arranging translators. She has denied this to media, but the email trail will reveal that lie in due course.

What was also not reported by our media was the fact that under normal circumstances, every asylum seeker has access to accommodation, utilities, food, and a fortnightly allowance. They are free to visit nearby villages to shop, to go to the beach and to mix with locals. In addition, they are able to apply for permanent resettlement in PNG at any time.

Australia’s position on this matter in understandable. The Australian Government has always refused New Zealand’s offers to take boat refugees for the very good reason that we could be used as a backdoor route into that country – unless visas are re-introduced for Trans-Tasman travel. The concern is that if any of the refugees did end up in Australia, it could trigger a resumption of the disastrous people smuggling trade that led to the deaths of over 1,200 asylum seekers before the hard-line approach was adopted.

Australia now has a strict policy of turning back asylum seekers’ boats in order to discourage them from even trying to reach Australia. Not only that, but any asylum seekers, who do manage to arrive by boat, are banned from ever being settled in Australia. Instead they are held in detention camps on Nauru and Papua New Guinea, from where any genuine refugees are given the option of being resettled, but not in Australia. Alternatively, they can opt to be returned to their home country.

Our Prime Minister should stop meddling in Australian affairs. An offer has been made and that’s where it should lie. And the media should provide balanced reporting, not try to exert influence through PR campaigns masquerading as news.

If Jacinda Ardern really has gone behind Australia’s back then expect Australia to reinstate visas for travel to Australia.

Word from inside Labour and the government is that Ardern is hell bent on bringing these 150 ratbags here, genuine refugees or not. That includes their families. It is all about her PR and not at all about the fact Kiwi voters don’t want a bar of them.

Labour in full “reverse ferret” mode over immigration

by Cameron Slater on November 27, 2017 at 9:00am

Labour appears to be in full “reverse ferret” mode over immigration.

Stacey Kirk from Fairfax explains:

They stood on an immigration crackdown, but reality hit first. 

If voters were lulled into thinking their new Government would make ardent strides to turn around Johnny Foreigner en masse at the border, the rhetoric of the past week might be a sharp wake-up call.

Annual migration fell to a 10-month low of 70,694 in the year to October, down from a peak of 72,402 in the year to July, according to the latest Statistics NZ update.

Economists have forecast the drop to accelerate to varying levels, while the Government’s synchronised backdown from a key election policy to reduce migration by 20,000 to 30,000 has been swift.   

Immigration is a tightrope, stretched over a churning lagoon of gnashing jaws with big teeth. Walking it can be an art form: let your weight fall too far either side and you’re in trouble.

It’s no surprise to see Labour winding down its messaging on immigration. It may even be a relief to the regions and business, as well as to the party itself.

On one hand, it’s an assurance the Government is prepared to forgo populism for pragmatism, while the positioning also sits more naturally with Labour’s core principles.

Importantly, if immigration numbers began to fall for reasons outside the Government’s control, then a Government espousing a tightening of the tap would be taking that trend and making it worse.

And it’s clearly aware of the stakes. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters were all singing from the same song sheet the past week, saying there will be a reduction in immigration, “but we’re not fixating on the numbers”. 

Because if it appears to be tightening the screws, while they’re tightening anyway, the Government risks choking the supply of workers businesses say they need and regional New Zealand will fare worst. 

In Timaru, factory expansions are crying out for more workers – two major fisheries and a Fonterra mozzarella plant have faced months-long staff shortages, unable to fill hundreds of positions. 


Labour originally promised a huge reduction, down to about 20,000 immigrants. They’ve been walking that back ever since.

Laobur’s policies never got much scrutiny during the election with a tame Media party basking in the glow of the Jacinda Effect.

Those chickens are now coming home to roost.


Labour promised transparency in Government, but they seem to be buckling on that early

Last updated 16:35, November 26 2017

It's understood the decision to release the briefings to incoming ministers is to come from the top. So far, all ...


It’s understood the decision to release the briefings to incoming ministers is to come from the top. So far, all requests have been denied on the basis they are to be released publicly, but it’s unclear what the holdup is – they were read by their ministers in their first week.

OPINION: The Government is facing a mountain of questions – more than 6000 to be exact.

They’ve been lodged by an army of National MPs with nothing but time on their hands and it should be no surprise to Labour Ministers, who have so far refused to release much detail, if any, about their first actions in office.

In a 100-day programme, where major reform is being pushed through at break-neck speed, that is cause for concern.

Labour is facing a mountain of what's known as "Written Questions" from the Opposition, but it's not pleased about ...


Labour is facing a mountain of what’s known as “Written Questions” from the Opposition, but it’s not pleased about answering them. It should be worrying to all however, if the Government is gatekeeping public information this early on.

Claims of “hypocrisy” levelled by some commentators at National’s record in Government are true, but they’re no defence. We should all be demanding those answers.

Row erupting over level of expert scrutiny on early Government decisions
Labour confirms big picture policy on public media
Fairfax NZ queries Labour plan for ‘more state-owned journalism’ 

And it might be early, but on the current trend those accusations aren’t far from being squarely levelled back to Labour. They and the Greens made much of their desire to “bring transparency back to Government” on the campaign trail.

Trevor Mallard asked 7000 questions of National in one 2010 month alone.


Trevor Mallard asked 7000 questions of National in one 2010 month alone.

Labour is also yet to release what’s known as the “Briefings to Incoming Ministers” – or BIMs.

They are the documents prepared by the experts and officials, delivered to ministers in their first week to give them a crash course on the portfolio they’ve just been handed – in some cases rendering them responsible overnight for the spending of public funds totalling billions.

All of them have been requested under the Official Information Act by reporters across New Zealand. All of them have been denied by the Government on the grounds they’re about to be released publicly anyway.

The trouble with that is the law actually applies to occasions where the document in question is yet to be printed or the minister hasn’t had a chance to read it first.

These were read by the ministers more than a month ago, and its understood to decision on when to release the BIMs – state sector wide – is to come from the Prime Minister’s Office.

“[The section] should not be used to delay the release of information which is intended to be incorporated in other material which, although to be made public at a later date, may still require the making of other policy decisions,” is the expressed order of the Ombudsman.

Bill English gave Labour fair warning when he said “we’re not here to make this place run smoothly”. He copped criticism, but he’s right; they are there to hold the Government to account – nothing more.

Many are familiar with the verbal jousting of Question Time where this is publicly done. But Opposition MPs have another very important democratic tool available to them in the form of Written Questions.

They can lodge questions to ministers on matters related to their portfolios, and ministers must respond within six working days. There is no limit as to how many questions can be lodged, they must be concise and targeted.

Undoubtedly, 6000 written questions in a month is a lot.

But is it fair to demand those answers? Absolutely. Is it hypocritical of National to be complaining they’re being blocked? You bet. Does that matter? Not one bit.

Because the answers, or at least the willingness to provide those answers, benefit New Zealand as a democracy.

In July 2010 Labour asked 8791 questions in a single month.

More than 7000 of those questions came from MP Trevor Mallard alone.

Now in the Speaker’s chair, it’s his jurisdiction to force answers where they are not fairly being withheld if a complaint is laid.

Labour is getting off to a poor start on transparency.

 – Stuff