This Manifesto on Islam needs to be read by every single NZ politician

by SB on August 13, 2017 at 10:00am
The pattern all over the Western world is that people do not stir from their apathy until Islam has infiltrated their country so badly that they are in crisis. New Zealand has the unique opportunity to do something right now so that we don’t end up like Australia and other Western countries who don’t start squealing until the knife is well and truly at their throat.
Anne Marie Waters has put together a political manifesto that every single one of our politicians should read. We have a choice in New Zealand. We can wait until the horse has bolted or we can shut the gate right now. The fact that this manifesto is needed in Britain and the fact that people are supporting and voting for Ann Marie Waters shows us how deeply in trouble the country already is.
If our politicians continue to ignore what is happening everywhere else we will need a manifesto like this one in the next ten to fifteen years. It is suicidal to continue to ignore the very real threat to our values and culture that Islamic laws and values bring.
**For those readers who read my words through a left-wing filter I will spell it out for you very carefully. I am referring to ideas, not people. The ideology of Islam is what is incompatible with our Western values and laws. I am not saying that Muslims are incompatible because not all Muslims support or follow the bad ideas of Islam. When I say “Islam” left-wingers hear “Muslims” but that is not what I am saying. We must do something about the people who practise and promote values and laws that harm our society and who actively work to take away our rights to equality and freedom of expression and to impose their oppressive culture on us. We cannot tolerate intolerance if we are to escape the same fate as Sweden, France and so many others.
My Manifesto on ISLAM


We cannot run from this any longer, and nor can it be described as a “single issue”. The influence of Islam in Britain has created a fearful and censorious society.
The very fact that most politicians refuse to address it with any honesty provides evidence for this fact.
Islam is having, and will continue to have, a profound and negative impact on freedom of speech, law enforcement, and especially the rights and freedoms of women.
I believe this issue to be of era-defining importance, and that UKIP must:
  • Commit to the internment of known jihads and the deportation of non-British citizens engaged in any Islam -related criminal act;
  • Thoroughly investigate all mosques known to host extremist anti-Western preachers, and subject these preachers to criminal law – including laws on incitement to violence. All non-British preachers of terror or violence should be deported;
  • Lead an honest and open discussion about the nature of Islamic scripture. This is of the utmost importance, the British public must be informed of the true teachings and practice of the Islamic religion;
  • Repeal the Human Rights Act – clearly and unapologetically place the rights of British citizens above those of non-British citizens;
  • Close all sharia councils and amend necessary laws to prevent its practice in future – freedom of religion does not permit the fracturing of the jurisdiction of the British state. Religion must be subject to the law of the land, not vice versa;
  • Ban the burqa as a security threat, a symbol of jihadism and commitment to sharia, and a practice incompatible with British culture;
Read the full manifesto by clicking HERE