Your whining has failed: TVNZ re-confirms Hosking as debate moderator

by Cameron Slater on August 12, 2017 at 3:30pm

The terrifying Mike Hosking

TVNZ is sticking to its guns over its decision to have Mike Hosking host election debates.

More than 40,000 people have signed an online petition asking the state-owned broadcast to remove Hosking as the host for its three election debates.

Hosking’s hosting role was also condemned on Thursday by New Zealand First leader Winston Peters, who called Hosking a ” “wholly unsuitable” choice.

For a moment I considered putting myself up as a replacement for Hosking.  If only to get more than 40,000 people signing a petition and to make Hosking look benign by comparison.

“We’re aware of the petitions. We accept that not everyone will agree with all our presenter choices,” communications manager Georgie Hills said.

“Our position remains unchanged, as communicated by John Gillespie yesterday.”

TVNZ head of current affairs John Gillespie said on Thursday the network was providing a range of perspectives across its election team.

He promised no politician would get an easy run during the debates.

If anything, Hosking is more likely to go harder on the right to assure there are no grounds for complaints that will be upheld.  Also, the left are ignoring the golden gift of having Hosking there.

He can be the rich, white, male bully that “never gave poor Jacinda a fair chance”.

Nobody does victimhood like the left.  And for that, you need a villain!