Maori language week: Word for the day

by ExPFC on September 10, 2018 at 6:15pm

More than half of New Zealand’s prison population is of Maori descent

In honour of Maori Language Week, we at Whaleoil have decided to dedicate one post each day to highlight a Maori word that has particular significance to Maoridom.

Today’s Maori Word of the Week is: Herehere.

Definition: Whare Herehere, noun, Jail or Prison.

Usage: Very common.

The proportion of people in New Zealand who identify as Maori is around fifteen percent.

Maori males in Herehere

However, according to Statistics NZ, the proportion of Maori people in Herehere in New Zealand sits at 51% for males and a whopping 58% for females.