I bet I’ll be called a racist, but facts are facts are facts…

by Cameron Slater on July 21, 2018 at 9:30am

I bet I’ll be called a racist, but facts are facts are facts.

Lindsay Mitchell posts these two charts:



I’m not. The luvvies in government will have you know that the two things are not at all related. No sireee. Not relevant.

Various “experts” will tell you that the incarceration rates are in fact racism, racist police and a long standing, systemic effect of colonisation.

Or maybe it is just dead shits become dead shit criminals.

This is why data should be analysed, it should be debated, and the more data you have the better the picture of the problem at hand. But this government has shut down all those big data projects.

Whatever the real reasons are for the link between these two charts you can be sure that no debate will be allowed…because racism.