Jacinda joins Kelvin with the crim-hugging

by Cameron Slater on December 6, 2017 at 11:30am

Jacinda Ardern has continued to meddle in Australian political affairs, this time echoing the crim-hugging predilection of her deputy.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern believes Australia should only be deporting Kiwis if they have genuine affiliations with New Zealand.

Her comments follow revelations that a quarter of the 1023 New Zealand deportees forced out of Australia over the past two years have been convicted of reoffending.

Of the 252 convicted deportees, 25 per cent ended up behind bars, a police Official Information Act response has revealed.

Speaking on Tuesday, Ardern said it was important that only deportees with roots in New Zealand were sent back here.


Really? If they loved Australia so much how come they’ve never taken up citizenship?

Why should Australia have to put up with Kiwi ratbags?

“The point that we’ve always made is … about making sure those who were only genuinely affiliated, and had roots here in New Zealand, were being deported.

“There are a number of contested cases where it is very clear that those individuals who are being deported actually have very firm connections, very firm roots in Australia.”

She felt those who had strong links to New Zealand were less likely to offend than those who did not have an established support network.

“We were seeing originally those being sent back, having absolutely no connection here.”

So what? They have broken Australian law, the roots and connections they have are criminal roots and connections. Australia has decided they don’t want them there and so send them back to NZ. Jacinda Ardern is once again meddling in Aussie affairs.

They may well have connections to Australia, but they are criminal ratbags, and unfortunately they’re our criminal ratbags.

Labour continues to show voters that they represent the rights of the criminal classes. For someone who doesn’t like “judginess”, she sure seems to be a  bit judgy on Australia.

