Another day, another lie from Golly-G

by Cameron Slater on December 1, 2017 at 7:30am

Credit: Luke

I’m starting to believe that Golriz Ghahraman can’t actually recognise the truth.

In February of this year she wrote:

Now this can’t be blamed on editors, journalists or even staff. She wrote it herself.

Note how she has now been promoted to “prosecuting heads of state”. Here is her problem, We know there were no heads of state prosecuted in Rwanda, she only defended former PM of Kosovo, Radovan Karadžić in the Yugoslavia trials and he wasn’t a head of state. Slobodan Milošević was a sitting head of state but Golriz Ghahraman didn’t prosecute him. There were no heads of state prosecuted in the Cambodian trials, in fact only 5 people were prosecuted there and not one was a head of state.

This article contains a direct lie about her human rights legal experience.

-Research by Sally, Impolitkal