… to educate the world…
Having stayed out of the limelight since Christmas, and having orchestrated the usual 4 pm Friday dump of information: that was when the texts from Richie Hardcore were released under the OIA, the princess headed to Switzerland this weekend to attend the World Economic Forum in Davos. I have to wonder what Jacinda can possibly contribute to an economic forum when she doesn’t know the difference between the Crown accounts and GDP? quote.
The WEF highlighted Ardern’s participation among four other “leaders and luminaries” — including naturalist Sir David Attenborough, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prince William — in the key pressstatement announcing the lineup for Davos 2019.
This is quite striking for a political leader barely into her second year as New Zealand’s Prime Minister and yet to chalk up significant and sustained domestic results. end quote.
Excuse me while I laugh. Angela Merkel is a traitorous has-been who has wrecked her country. David Attenborough makes wildlife documentaries and keeps telling us the world is going to end. It still hasn’t. Prince William is a nice but very privileged guy with zero economic experience and no idea what life is like for ordinary people. Shinzo Abe is almost certainly on the way out, facing accusations of cronyism at home. This must be the comedy hour: the light relief from all the serious stuff the forum will be actively addressing. quote.
Ardern’s star status will inevitably burnish the PM’s credentials as a “next generation leader” with her finger on the international pulse and an instinct for emerging issues.
But how the Prime Minister translates her growing reputation in key offshore circles into concerted political results at home will ultimately be how she is judged. end quote.
I doubt it. Her ‘star status’ is probably due to her being relatively new to world politics and the only word that really describes her is ‘lightweight’. I don’t see how she can have a ‘growing reputation in key offshore circles’ when she has actually done nothing yet. Like Macron and Trudeau, she is one of the ‘brat pack’. Everyone watched them with enormous interest too, only to see them crash and burn spectacularly. Jacinda will go the same way. quote.
The WEF has invited Ardern to join three panels — more than many other “minor” leaders — which will enable her to play to her undoubted communication strengths and position New Zealand (under the Coalition Government) as being progressive on some big issues of our times. end quote.
Yes, but it is worth pointing out that Donald Trump will not be there due to the shutdown in the US, Teresa May is too busy with Brexit, and Emmanuel Macron is dealing with a bunch of yellow vested protestors. The heavyweights are not there: Jacinda will just have to do instead. quote.
The ‘Wellbeing Budget’ is nothing more than hot air. It should be renamed the ‘Robin Hood Budget’, as the end result will be to take more money from those that work and give it away to those that can’t be bothered to work.
Jacinda is just going to embarrass herself and her country with her airhead ideas and lack of understanding of economic issues, but it does mean that she doesn’t have to face the media over the Sroubek case for another week.
You may have noticed that she is not taking her family entourage this time, so there will be no cutesie photos of baby Neve. Do not, for one second, think this means she is taking her job seriously. It is far more likely to indicate that all is not well in the Ardern-Gayford household at the moment.