[…] Tamaki [said] it was his “God-given responsibility” to preach the word of the holy spirit, declaring he is here to protect Kiwis’ freedom of speech.
“The war that will rage is a confrontation of beliefs. I am confident I speak for many New Zealanders, who don’t have a voice or public profile but still believe in the Bible as the Word of God, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and morality, and we will not accept it being censored in any way,”
[…] “The war we will fight, although non-violent, will be resolute in its stand. We will strongly declare what we believe through protest, submissions or whatever means we can or at our disposal to protect our right as New Zealanders’ to freedom of speech.”
[…] Tamaki says the lack of consultation is an insult to New Zealanders and he will let the Government push through legislation without a fight.
“We will not go along with, or lay down while this Government push through quick legislation or law that has not had the appropriate participation, consultation and involvement of those who will be affected by that legislation or law,”
[…] “This is short-sight, and often regrettable law.
“I for one will not be bound in my pulpit. I have the right, and indeed the God-given responsibility to preach the Word of God in my Church any given Sunday.
“I abore the way my preaching has been taken out of context and used against me by opportunists for the purposes of creating news, [for example] my message spoken in 2011 the Sunday morning before the Christchurch earthquake.
“What do you say about inciting hate towards me and the Word of God through the twisted reporting of that message? How is it that media and other minority groups now have more freedom to use whatever platform at their disposal to incite hatred towards the founding faith of this nation.”