Would you take a handful of lollies if you knew that some of them were poison? PM Jacinda Ardern when she was unable to pressure Australia into giving her the leftover dregs ( the worst of the worst) of the illegal migrants left on Manus instead handed over three million dollars of New Zealand taxpayers money to assist them.
News reports revealed before her visit that the reason why these dregs of society didn’t feel safe on the island was because they had turned the islanders against them with their criminal behaviour. The men are known for having sex with underage girls, ten of who they have made pregnant so far. Manus, in other words, is currently a haven for a group of paedophiles. We can only wonder how many of these 150 dregs of humanity that Ardern has been working so hard to bring to our slice of paradise are paedophiles.
A group of Manus Island asylum seekers are luring underage girls as young as 10 into sex, an Australian Government intelligence report claims.
The Australian Government has confirmed the accuracy of the diplomatic cable, obtained by The Australian Financial Review and Stuff.
However, the timing of the leak, and several others in Australian publications, suggests rising levels of frustration within the Australian Government that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was putting undue pressure on a domestic Australian policy issue.
It is hardly a leak since there have been news stories on the paedophiles on Manus previous to Ardern’s visit. She must be willfully blind to not be aware of them.
It’s prompted questions on this side of the Tasman, over whether there were concerted efforts from Australia’s Malcolm Turnbull-led Government to force Ardern to back down on a strong stance that Australia should accept an invitation to resettle 150 people seeking asylum in New Zealand.
[…] Intelligence advice to the Australian Government, sent in early October from Papua New Guinea, details allegations of shocking behaviour by some of the asylum seekers squatting in the now-closed Australian centre on Manus Island.
“In addition to broader allegations of drug taking and dealing (Marijuana), there were overarching community concerns regarding allegations that some residents were engaged in sexual activities with underage girls,” the report states.
The report was concerned that male camp residents were travelling into the community to procure sex with underage girls.
Ardern and Turnbull met recently at the East Asia Summit. Ardern announced shortly after, $3m in humanitarian aid for asylum seekers still on Manus.
Three million for them to spend on luring young girls. It is not humanitarian aid, it is pocket money for their recreational activities.
It states that “some residents were renting rooms throughout Lorengau and luring underage girls between 10 and 17 years of age, with money, goods and food”.
[…] the local provincial health authority had written to the provincial police commander expressing concerns about “increased interaction between the residents and the young girls from a health perspective, saying they had seen an increase in sexually transmitted infections and HIV”.
[…] local Deputy Mayor Kakao Karani was concerned about “the closure of the Regional Processing Centre and the relocation of the residents closer to town”.
According to the cable, Manus Island residents were also “unhappy with the stigma attached to the girls who engaged in the activities and the number of children born from the ‘relationships’ (reported at least 10 at the time of our last visit)”.
Ardern has been increasingly insistent Australia should let New Zealand take some of the 600 asylum seekers remaining on Manus Island, following the closure of Australia’s Regional Processing Centre.
It is understood the Turnbull Government is furious with what it views as Ardern’s “moral posturing and naivety” on the matter.
Naive seems almost too kind a word for what Ardern is doing. How can a PM push to take paedophiles and criminals that are a clear danger to our society with a clear conscience? Of all the genuine refugees in the world that she could choose to help why is she so insistent on ones that are ideologically incompatible as well as morally and criminally a threat to our society and our children?
[…] Australian government sources say they are extremely concerned about the messages Ardern is sending to people smugglers.
A spokesman for Ardern said “the relationship with Australia is strong”.
Yeah right, Mommy and Daddy were up all night fighting and throwing things but don’t worry kids everything is just fine.
“The offer to take 150 refugees from Manus Island and Nauru remains on the table, but clearly it’s up to Australia to take up that offer,” he said.
“In event the offer is accepted, all refugees will undergo comprehensive screening and assessment processes that includes credibility and risk assessments and security checks.”
They have already been comprehensively rejected by America for resettlement. What redeeming features will our screening assessment find to allow these undesirables access to our fair shores? Only the bad ones are left. The good ones have already been taken.
“Refugees who do not meet New Zealand’s relevant immigration policies, security and biometric checks and risk and health assessment are declined.”
Well, that should be all of them then.
[…] Australian officials are understood to be perplexed about why Ardern’s rhetoric has ramped up on the situation.
The Labour Party has had a long-held policy to double the refugee quota to 1500. However, it had not previously voiced opposition to the way the previous National Government had handled the issue.[…]
There are concerns the issue could damage relations between the two countries, Australian Government sources familiar with the matter said. It comes after Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she could “find it very difficult to build trust” with an Ardern-led government prior to the election.
[…] The concern is Wellington would get the credit for taking the asylum seekers, while it was Canberra that would face security risks and ultimately be responsible for processing any that turned up in their waters.
It would also be the Australian Coast Guard and Navy that would be forced to intervene if boats ran into trouble in notoriously dangerous stretch of ocean. Drownings were not uncommon.
One senior government source said that the “people smugglers’ pitch could be: Go to Australia, end up in New Zealand”.